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Throwback Module Review

Holiday Ending Liao


It's been a super long while since I've updated this blog.
School is gonna start in like a week's time and I still have my Chinese homework to complete.
To be frank, who ever has the motivation to do your homework, especially the MT ones.
I realize that schools tend to give out a lot of mother tongue homework during he holidays. I think that schools should not give us so much work. It's the holidays yet we don't get to rest enough. That is why the stress level in Singapore is so high for us students.
Ever since we step into school, our parents have been pressuring us to get good grades and top the class. Every parent wants their kids to be the best, but there is only one spot in the the top, how can everyone be first?
In primary school it's not so bad, lessons are easier to understand. But if you do well in primary school, you will want to get into a good secondary school. Parents think that their kids will continue to do well in school. But they forget that in a top school, there are people who are much smarter than their kids, lessons are tougher and the stress levels are higher. They still continue to have the same goal for their kids. In primary school, it's easy to score 100 in tests and exams, but when u go to secondary school, it's happy if you can even pass a test. The standards are different already.
Anyways, that's all of my ranting about school and parents. Have to do more studying now. I still have lots of stuff to do before school starts, which includes studying like mad within 2 weeks.
