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Throwback Module Review

Updates on life + Block Test Review

Hmmmmmm this is a tad  bit late, but better late than never right ^^

It's already September holidays!!!1(can't believe time flew by so fast) Anyways, it's been damn long since I sat for the DREADED BLOCK TEST. Have to say, it wasn't the easiest papers but at least I did relatively well (it's quite good actually, considering the amount of effort and time I had) 

Now for the real thing, 

Snap shot of my Cert
Looking at my results, I wouldn't say that I'm really pleased with it (Who is happy with getting Es?!)

Econs was pretty disappointing (cuz I had an A in CA) Really didn't expect my Case Study to pull me down by so so much. 

Well, all's done is done. 
It's 2 weeks to promos (to be exact 16 days countdown~~~~ I crey)

But life hasn't been all that bad actually, I guess...

Stuff happened, well, i shall leave that for another post. Back to studies. Term 3 wasn't the easiest I can say for sure, but on the bright side of things, I've been improving for most of subjects. 

School life is never easy. 

This term was filled with so many things. Like a ton of stuff happened

CT Photo taking, NDP celebration, STJ, MAF, Teacher's Day (OMG BACK TO CGS DAMN HAPPY), GEMS etc. (those that I can remember lols) 

Now for a summary of life events...

(i) CT Photo taking...
Well, I miss the seniors. Can't deny that. I guess I'd still prefer having people who actually know stuff to teach us rather than people who are of the same rank or even worse to "teach" & "guide" me. To me, photography is not all about the techniques. It's about what you can capture that tells a story and not how you put your rule of third to good use =.=

(ii) NDP Celebration + STJ
Fun day! Did duty for NDP celebration in school taking photos and stuff. Though I couldn't really "enjoy" it with my class and friends, I had fun taking pictures. I guess non-photographers can never understand the joy I find in just capturing moments and it's even better when people acknowledge your work. After that we went for STJ!!! 

BBQ in the afternoon (cuz BBQ in the night is too mainstream~) It was really eating and bonding with the class and the seniors. At first I guess I was quite pissed with some people. Who are you?! Why do the seniors have to serve you. Offered to help out with the cooking and soon they felt guilty I guess. STJ helped to bond the class a bit but not for my group of friends cause we didn't want to play cards... 

The whole class, including the seniors, were playing cards. Well at least I had fun taking pictures (and videos of them pushing the guys into the water hahaha) 

(iii) MAF
Mid Autumn Festival Celebration (And it's the actually day today. 中秋节快乐) Anyways, it's a tradition to celebrate MAF in Hwach and it's kind of a big big event. The grand light up was awesome. The performances were awesome. I took some pictures but didn't really have the time to process them (I have 3-4 albums waiting for me to review, i crey) Anyways, had a fun night and even got a chance to meet up with Taylor and Andrea *hearts*

(iv) TEACHERS' DAY!!!!!!!
Once again, covered duty for the celebration. As compared to that in Crescent, I think the celebration in Hwach isn't all that special or wonderful. I don't even know half the teachers in the school and some aren't all that friendly either. Anyways, it was kinda cool covering the event in the horrible lighting in the Auditorium (I can say that orange light is horrible for photos, everyone look so tanned) 

The best part of the day...

Never thought I'd say this but I MISS CRESCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like everyone always say, you never know how precious things are until you lose them. I really miss those times I had in Crescent. Though O levels was tough, it can never be as bad as As. I totally miss 4C2 and all the crazy stuff that we did. I miss how bonded our class is and how we are so cheerful and fun. I miss all the nice teachers. They're so dedicated and really give their all for their students. I miss how teachers would actually say hi when you greet them. I've been ignored by so many teachers in Hwach that I got sick of greeting teachers. Most importantly, I miss my TA office. Really miss the old gang. (The "old" people who are not so old like Mr. Wan, Mr. Wee, Myo, Fitri, Robin, Wendell and the all so ego HANZ LAI) I guess it's not the same when you're in a school where you don't even know half of the level, let alone the teachers and non-teaching staff. 

Going back to the TA office really isn't the same as before. Having the 4 of us walk back into the same room that bonded us from the start really bring back many memories. And obviously, back to the balcony that started off our friendship with them. I miss how we would stand at the balcony and say hi to everyone. All the jokes we had, all the songs we sang and all the crazy stuff we did in the office. According to Hanz, the office is quiet nowadays. No juniors to take over our place, no one to keep the place lively. I'm so going back there after Promos if I can, maybe on spring cleaning day to mess around with stuff and maybe get to know the new guy...

(v) GEMS~ 
After a long long planning period, we finally went for GEMS~~~~
Cycling at ECP was really fun and I'm glad I didn't get injured. I think that was really a chance for us to really bond and really have a little fun while we mug hard for Promos. Didn't bring my DSLR that day, but was lucky that I made a last minute decision to bring my compact camera to grab class photos and stuff. Cycling for 2 hours is no joke, my legs were aching like mad already and we still did so many takes for our jump shots (LOL the pain) 

All in all, this term was really fulfilling and fun. Really hope that our class can stay this bonded and really have fun together. We can have cliques and be bonded as one (Y) 

Now that I'm done with this post, I shall write another for some other stuff that happened. People who know will know ...

Till next time, 

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