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Throwback Module Review

1 month into the HOLIDAYS (or what it seems like a mugger marathon)

Hello World!

Haven't updated in a while... (*Guilty smile* hehe) Well it's the HOLIDAYS (So they call it) What holiday? 可以吃的吗? I guess this is the life of a student in Singapore. Unlike our counterparts on the other side of the world (aka USA), most of the time, we'll be spending our holidays mugging away trying to finish holiday assignments, catch up with school work, training for Seasons etc. 

It's been 1 month into this so called holidays but haven't really had the time to really have a good rest yet. 

What's been going on for the past 1 month:

1. PA Youth Integration Ambassador 
2. Badminton Training + Gym Sessions ~
3. Remedial Lessons TT.TT
4. Rushing School Work & revision 
5. Family Gatherings
and much much more ~

Firstly shall share about the Pa Youth Integration Ambassador thingy I signed up for (obviously with my best banana friend, Mel) So we went for the workshop session the week after OP ended and it was quite interesting mingling with the other volunteers and sharing our personal stories. We shared about all the stereotypes and things we heard about these "other people" that people often refer to. It was a really insightful experience. Following that workshop, we had anther 'story telling' workshop where we worked on a 'story' that we want to share with fellow Singaporeans. the main aims of this program is for us to discover untold stories and share them with the rest of the world. Submitted the proposal for our story already and all that's left is for the approval and we can start work. I guess the stories should be out by January 2015 (so looking forward to it ^^)

Next up, TRAINING~~~~

Paparazzi shot someone sent me while I was training

The week OP ended, I started training. Good news is that Badminton Recreational Club is combining with us (yay to not so lonely Sam) and the bad news, more and longer training sessions. Well, I would say that I'm training  quite little as compared to the other team player so I make up for that by going to gym after training of just running once in a while before training. Hopefully I'm still in team next year and can be part of the team that get Hwa Chong Badminton into Top 4~

Screwing up my promos, I needed to go for remedial lessons during the holidays. Thank goodness it's only biology for me, but still I have a lot of work to do or the other subjects. (I NEED MY AAAAAAAA) Well I would say remedial is more fun than normal lessons, at least I find them more productive than usual lessons. In those 2 hours I spend there every lesson, at least I learn something. On this note, I just want to thank my Bio teacher, Mdm Low for all her help this year. It's quite sad that she would be leaving the school and won't be teaching us next year. Now I'm scared for Bio, what if I get the scary Mrs Foo, or even worse, some new teacher who can't teach o.o My bio isn't all that good already, so I really can't afford to have someone who can't teach to take us next year~ I need my A for Bio!!!!!!

Moving on, rushing for school work... School hasn't been all that easy this year. (Honeymoon period my foot! Where got honeymoon so tiring one) Anyway, there are loads and loads of holiday assignments and revision to be done. 

Check out my list of work to be done (excluding photos to be editted)

My personal Holiday Timetable which I don't really follow but I still need it for the last few days of mugging

Holidays really are no fun when you're in JC. All you do if study and CCA and muggggg and mugggg (ok maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but you get my point. There's just to much to be done and too little time) I was planning on practicing guitar and maybe record a cover or 2 this holidays but nope, no time. Wanted to go take some pictures for my Bear in Hwa Chong Album, no time. Wanted to at least have some time to binge eat, no time. Haish...

Finally before I forget FAMILY GATHERINGS!!! This November I spent quite a lot of time with my family and relatives. Firstly we met for my niece's baby shower (Yes, I'm an aunt for the third time already. Soon I'll have another baby nephew. Head count as of now is 2 nephews and a baby niece) 
With the extended family and the cute baby~

Proud Auntie Sam with Baby Gwendolyn ^^

 We also celebrated my Grandma's 80+ birthday with a buffet last Saturday (Yay for the food)
3rd and 4th Generation with 奶奶

And her birthday cake is so cute

I also managed to squeeze out some time for the family this November. We went to Alive Museum at Suntec City (hehe we had free tickets) and went to play Snooker at the club house. 

Hmmmmm.... Review on the museum?
I would say that if you ask me to pay $25 just to go in there, I wouldn't go. It's just a big hall with different sections for people to take photos. As we went on a weekday it wasn't really crowded (well there was a crowd but not enough to make me feel uncomfortable) The art pieces were really cool and stuff but to pay to take pictures, I really wouldn't. Shall do a detailed review of that place in another post soon.

I'm an Angel 

Who said this hippo can't do ballet?

Family selfie with da Fat Wonder Woman (I wonder how she got that fat though)

Blown away literally (They installed an air pump to blow your hair too)

SNOOOOOOKER I'm confident to say that I'm horrible at table sports (snooker, pool etc.) 

Looking pro (and like a ghost)

Pose nia 

We also went shopping and collected our race pack for this Sunday's NewPaper Big Walk. Don't ask me why, but lately, my family is a bit crazy for over running and weird walks and stuff. Was at WestGate last Saturday (I think) and they had the SG50 event where you can write wishes for Singapore. They also had the Heart Map Van parked outside the mall. The Singapore Heart Map event is for Singaporeans to share their favourite place in Singapore and why it means so much to them. I shall write on my favourite place in another post soon hehe. You can submit your entries and find out more about the Heart Map on their website. Click here to go to the Heart Map Website. Click here for more about SG50 Celebrations~!

My wish for Singapore (well it's on the other side, see if you can spot my wish in the house at WestGate)

One more mother of holidays before school starts next year. It's gonna be a really really tough year coming up. As they all say, it's just 2 years to chiong all the way for those good results, after that Uni will be much easier (like real, but you get my point) Have to cathc up on work, sleep and other social stuff too. I guess J2 will be pure mugging only after June because CCA won't stop till April if I'm not wrong and there is seasons somewhere in Mar-Apr. 

Time to go back to studying~!

Only thing good about holidays - Holiday Breakfast

Signing off, 
Sam the Walrus

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