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Throwback Module Review


Was just looking through my old posts on this blog and WOW...

I started this blog when I first entered Crescent in 2010 (that explains the name) and I didn't really expect anyone to read this. I found it as an avenue to vent my frustration (have to say I didn't really enjoy the first few months in the new school)

Can't believe time really flies by so fast. It's already 4 years and I can't believe that all that I'd experience in the first few months really happened.

Now I don't regret choosing this school and I'm totally in love with the people here.

G1'10/11 was quite tiring with all the politics and stuff but things turned out fine after a while and it was through those bad times that I see who really are my true friends.

C2'12/13 is just awesome. I thought they would be all clique-ish and I wouldn't blend in well (and be the loner I am) but after 2 years with them, I kinda found a way to blend in and stay unique. I really have to thank the teachers for insisting on arranging our seats for us, if they didn't, I doubt I would be able to make such good friends (with my crazy table buddies) It's really fun and after 2 years I realised that the people in my class are really different from the first impressions I had of them. I thought many of them were very stuck up and unfriendly, but after 2 years, I realised that they are really nice. I guess the class also go to know me better (they realised that I wasn't as normal as they think I am haha )
Our class outing to Sentosa

The Sakhoochang/LIM0NCELLO family is just AWESOME!!!! Can't believe I made such good friends in a girls' school. I stepped into the school with the mindset that I would just go through 4 years being a loner and minding my own business but I was really dead wrong. It all started with a fall..... but it ended well. (can't believe that my Superwoman stunt on the third day of school helped me make friends for life. Seems like that painful fall and the scars are all worth it)

Grad Nite'13

CrezBadminton'13 is a place that holds many many memories. We all suffered under the rein of our seniors who "tortured" us with all that vigorous training and physical. We've seen the transition of leadership and coaches. Most importantly, we've been through the painful times when all does not go well. That time in sec 2 when we were elated to make it into the finals and later to find out we are disqualified due to a clash in schedule with our internationalisation. And those times when we lament about those tough trainings that our juniors would never understand.Walking down the rotunda with our legs hurting like hell and then running 4 levels down so that we won't be late for training (and get more punishment). Not forgetting the times when we didn't even have a place to train and would have to leave school to go to Henderson CC for training. Oh those were the days...  It's been a really great experience with the team. (To think that I once wanted to quit and I ended up representing the school and finally graduating as a vice-captain. It was a smart choice of mine not to leave)
With my fellow captains
P6 Open House'12

Crescent really changed me as a person and left a mark in my life. I can't believe I found such people in my life and I really will never forget the experience I had in this wonderful school.



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