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Throwback Module Review

I'm a HWACHI!!

Ever since school started, I haven't found the time to continue blogging (I know I still have 4 more posts for my Europe trip) but I've decided to write this post first.

I received my O level results about 1 month ago and I was really happy to get what I got. I still can't believe that I did so well (though it's not the perfect score, it's still quite awesome to get such good grades) I had 5 A1s, 3A2s and a B3 for HCL which is like super duper surprising. So, my L1R5 is 3 nett. I am really thankful for all the support from my family, friends and the school for helping me achieve what I did. (Special thanks to Mr. Keong who really helped me a lot not only in Math but also being such a great teacher. He really helped me a lot throughout my upper sec years. He also guided me really well through my leadership role in Badminton to THANKS A LOT MR KEONG.)

After getting my results, I had 5 days to decide which school to apply for. It definitely wasn't an easy decision. I  always had my mind set that I wouldn't do so well but just well enough to get into ACJC but now I can practically go to any JC/Poly course I wanted. After thinking for a really long time and visiting many Open houses (and getting really tanned during this period) I finally decided to give Hwa Chong a try. People around me advised me to give it a try since it is always better to choose top schools. I was quite sceptical about getting into Hwa Chong since there are many top scorers in Singapore.

Finally after a long wait, I received my posting on 5 Feb. I was accepted into HWA CHONG which was really surprising. I feel really blessed to be able to get into such a good and prestigious school. Reporting to school on 6 Feb, I met my OG for the first time. It wasn't really what I'd expected it to be. I was kinda awkward with my group and sadly because I decided to go for the KI trial lesson, I totally missed the ice breakers. I was quite hard to fit in afterwards since I didn't really know anyone. (but at least I managed to make a few friends before I left)

I spent my first 4 days with my OG and I felt like I was seriously anti-social (though I'm actually not if you get to know me) The people in my group knew each other and were in their own groups and I thought I'd end up reverting to my sec 1 life again. Fortunately, as time past I managed to get to know each of them better (maybe not all but at last majority of them) and realised that they were really cool people. Time flew past and soon we were split into classes.

I was lucky to have someone I knew from my OG in my class because at least I wouldn't be as awkward as before. My class is super cool and bonded though we only just got to know each other. I was really glad that my class is so nice and enthu.

Coincidentally, my birthday fell on one of the CT orientation days and I was really surprised that my class actually bought me a cake (aww I love you guys.) It's really touching that they did it for me because we only knew it each other for 1 day and they make me feel so LOVED

14th Feb, Valentine's day marks the last day of our orientation. It's quite saddening that we are going to start school. As you can tell I really wasn't close with my OG but somehow, something in me just told me to join them for campfire night. And I have to say that it was really the best decision that I made. It was really fun doing SODACHE with the guys and I guess it really brought me closer to the rest. (To my CT, I love you guys too)

Orientation is officially over and I really would like to thank some people that really made my 1st week in school so fun and memorable.

Thanks Deborah and Li Wen for being such wonderful OGLs and letting us ship you guys. You guys really helped me a lot and helped me understand HCI better.

Thanks OG2! I know I haven't been the best OGM to you guys and I am always in my own world but thanks for creating so many memories with me and for being so nice and funny. I hope we stay in touch and meet up and have more outings soon.

Thanks 14S7C for being such a wonderful class! I am so looking forward to our 2 years together and I really hope that we can bond and be the best class ever.

To all those people who had to suffer dancing with me and standing beside me during SODACHE Thanks for not pointing out that I seriously suck at singing and dancing (I am a horrigible dancer and my voice seriously sucks I know)

4 faculties, 1 HWA CHONG!

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