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Throwback Module Review

A little update on life~

Term 2 started and it's week 2 already. 

For now, life isn't all that hectic yet but with all those tests and projects pouring in, it's gonna get tough. 

Happy that I kinda survived thus far in a new school without killing anyone (yet... cause there are some who really get on my nerves at times) and I guess I won't be surprised if people hate on me. (haters gonna hate)

To some, my life may seem to be perfect ( well, good at least) but I already starting to feel the pressure building up. I have to say that I kinda regret taking on so many things at once. Having 2 CCAs ( I'm suppose to be in competitive badminton yet no one is telling me to go to training and I'm lost like a toot and Photog is sooooo active), preparing for my OCIP Nepal in June (Did i say I was going to Nepal, so egg-cited, but it's really gonna take a lot of my time. Lucky that I'm in Pub comm. The people there are soooooo nice and funny (Y) ) and all those weird projects the world is throwing at me...

It's not that I don't like projects and groups works, but sometimes, it's the people that you work with that makes things fun for you. Imagine working with someone who you totally can't stand, or maybe someone who you cannot even talk to, how to survive doing a project with them. I don't really hate on anyone in my class la but there are just some people that I cannot even talk to like AWKWARD TTM.

Now back to the ranting...

Being the same old me is kinda sad at times. 
The only reason why I'm back on this blog is because I have no freinds. (Yes I said it, I'm becoming more and more of a loner. Besides my buds, who else? Mahboobs are always studying and I dun wanna disturb them, I wouldn't say I'm close to my OG... Being the nice person I am, I just don't wanna disturb the world with my attention seeking ways.) And thus, returning here, I rant. 

All this while people may think that I have a lot of friends and ya, I show a very friendly side of me but, people only come to me when they need help, and when everything is fine, tata (not everyone is like that, for those who don't I dun wanna disturb them) and thus I'm left alone, AGAIN

Life is always like that to me. There's the social boom period that lasts for like a day and the rest of the month, I suffer lonely days and nights. 

I walk a lonely road and I walk alone. I've survived without depending on anyone for the past 17 years, I can survive the rest of my life the same way though I don't always want it that way. (well, do I look like I have a choice?)

Signing off,

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