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Throwback Module Review

This Christmas


5 more days to 2015! Can't believe time flew by so quickly, school's going to start soon and NO I'M NOT READY!!!!!! (I don't wanna start school) 

Didn't really the time to update this blog (I have a whole stack of albums to edit and food reviews to write, on top of the huge heap of homework and revision to do) Well, December flew by real quickly. Everyday was just about going to school, gym and training. Not much time to rest. 

- Loads of good food with the family
- Training and more training
- Family gatherings
- Loads of shopping & buying new clothes

That really sums up my December this year. I guess this is gonna be a really short post since I'll leave all the food stuff to the other food review posts and shall start working on my new year resolution post soon.

Signing off for now~

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