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Throwback Module Review

Throwback & Looking Ahead

Around this time last year, I wrote a post for my new year resolution. Well, it's the time of the year again for us to look back, reflect and set new goals for ourselves in the new year. 

For me, 2014 was a year of surprises, from getting (unexpectedly good) O level results, to surviving a whole long year in Hwach, I realised I've changed quite a bit. (Read my 2014 resolution here)

A short summary of what went on in my life this year:

- Slacking off after O's
Well there wasn't much that I could do since I couldn't get a job and life was boring. Oh! It's the time when I first started DOTA. Can't really remember how I started but one fine day Mel and I decided we should game and we just downloaded and played. (I'm still a freaking noob since I decided I'll not DOTA until after As) 
- JC Open House!!!!
Went for many Open House and collected a whole bunch of freebies (some of which are still brand new in my drawers.) P.S. Did I mention that I collected 5 of those floppy water bottles from these Open Houses? People need to look for other sponsors lol
- Release of O Level results 
Still remember it like yesterday. It's frawking scary okay. People you'll understand how I felt when the day comes for you. It was really quite an unexpected end to my secondary school life. Didn't expect to get such good results. But then came the annoying part...
- Choosing my JC
Yes this! Trust me, it isn't as easy as it seems. If you're a 2 pointer, yes, it's easy for you, you can choose any school you want and not fear that they reject you. But being a 3 pointer, I was afraid and pretty much confused at a certain point. All along I had expected myself to do well enough to just get me into ACJC and just continue my life from there, but now that I got better than expected results I was pretty much torn between choosing the school I had always wanted and the 'better' school (Hwach/RJC) Well, eventually I made my decision to put Hwach as my first choice.

- Release of school posting
Was practically freaking out quite badly that morning waiting for the SMS to come. Mine took quite long, but it did come eventually. HWACH~!!!!! 
- Stepping foot into Hwach for the first time
The day after release of results, we had to report to the school for orientation. My OGL already called me up the night before to let me know what to do and bring for orientations (OG2 FTW I miss you guys to mucccccchhhhhhhh) 
- Fun & Games during orientation
Times were great as we all really enjoyed ourselves during this period. From OG games to POP which marked the end of orientation, I really had a lot of fun. I still remember being freaking awks with my OG and being so happy to have Angeline in my class. Meeting new people in S7C and finally being able to have so much fun before all the work started to pile in.
Lucky for me, my birthday happened to be our 2nd day as a class and I was really surprised that my new friends made the effort to get me a small cake to celebrate. (Thanks once again for the cake) Went home for dinner as usual and had another cake with the family yay.

March - May
This 3 months was pretty boring (looking at my calendar there really isn't much to recap about) It's just studying, March holidays( which equates to more studying) and going for CCA.

Didn't really have much Badminton training at that time since I wasn't in team. Don't ask me, I don't even know why they didn't let me compete this year when they had so much space in team. Haish.

Spent quite an amount of time preparing for my OCIP trip as well. Didn't expect to be selected for the trip but surely I was excited to go to Nepal!

Went on a 9 day trip with an awesome bunch of people to the land of the unknowns. All of us really had a lot of fun serving the community there and I really enjoyed the CIP work. Not forgetting the chance to take so many beautiful pictures. If I had the chance, I would definitely go back to Nepal (hopefully with the same bunch of people) again. It's really an unforgettable journey and I thank everyone who shared this journey with me (some more than others)
- School work
Well it's true when they say there is no such thing as holidays in JC. Spent most of my holidays doing my Econs project, preparing for PW submissions and most importantly, mugging for the first ever major exam in my JC life BLOCK TEST!!!! (It's scary after not studying hard and slacking for so long)

Boring months again. I didn't even bother to update my blog during this period because it's just too mundane. Well, I did get back my Block test results and there was MAF, besides that, nothing much really happened.

2nd MAJOR EXAM in my JC life. Spent a lot of time mugging and studying for it amidst all the preparation work for PW and CCA stuff as well. 
- My first 5km run walk
My mum signed us up for the Straits Times Run while I was in Nepal so we completed our first 5km together yay. This sparked off our 5km spree. We've been looking for 5km walks/runs ever since. 

This month is just PW crazy period. Meeting my members almost everyday, even on weekends. We literally editted our work till the last hour before submission and I really want to say it's a fun and tiring journey. Lack of sleep and crazy deadlines made us all zombies but thanks guys for putting up with my nonsense and for all the bridge sessions during our meetings ( I promised not to play bridge after Nepal, but you guys got me back into the game lol) 

All in all, PW was a pretty enjoyable journey, I'm so going to miss it next year since no PW = More GP lessons.

November - December
And it't the holiday month. Holidays really are just like school days. I've been going to school almost everyday since holidays started and didn't really get to take a break from studying until this week ( When I literally stopped doing any form of work) CCA has also been tough ( Sports kills. Gym kills. And I'm still so fat after all the work out haish) 

Well, my year sure seems eventful. After a year in Hwach, I've really learnt a lot and I'm confident I fulfilled at least half of my 2014 resolutions. Made many new friends in this new land, exercised a lot (A LOT) and I was happy for at least 6 months here so yups. Sadly, Lim0ncello didn't really work out as we are all busy with our own schedules and lives. 

Looking ahead I shall set some new goals for 2015.

1. Study harder
As are approaching and J2 is going to be a roller coaster ride. Need to juggle between studying, sleep, family time and CCA commitments. I know it's not going to be easy but I really need to study hard to get all my As for As (Oooooo PUN!!!!) Shall work hard towards my goal to cut up dead people (hehe sounds creepy but ya I intend to pursue something in the forensics department)

2. Be more optimistic
People who got to know me think I'm a happy-go-lucky person but those who know me well enough will realise that I've been quite optimistic this year. So to start off the new year, I'll work on being a happier person and stop being so negative.

3. Find balance in life
People who know me will know that I'm a freaking busy person. I'm always running around, if not studying like crazy at home. Not much time for myself. So, as my exams approach, I really want to find the balance in my life and to do well without over stressing myself and end up falling ill.

4. Stay healthy & fit
Health is really important. Although there's isn't much time to spare, I want to be able to continue with my current work out schedule and stay fit (and try to lose weight in the process) Also, I hope to maintain my weight or shed a few pounds along the way ( It's going to be quite hard since I tend to eat a lot especially as exams approach) 

This has been a really long post ( took me damn long to plan and write) but it's a nice recap of the year. While I was writing, I had the chance to look back at old memories, both good and bad, and really reflect upon them. 

2015 will be a new beginning for me and I'll strive to reach greater heights.

Here's wishing all good health and Happy New Year.

Samantha :D

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