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Throwback Module Review

18 years~~

Hello World! I'm finally back. It's been ages since I last posted haha. Well, life hasn't been easy for the past 2 months but nonetheless, I'm back haha. Now for a little update. January flew by in a flash. Didn't really have much time to spend on myself. Well, February is almost half gone and BT1 is coming. NOOOOOOOO.......... Now for a quick summary of life and reflection.

In January, I did something pretty crazy. I decided to join squash for training. Those who know me will know that I'm not really the sporty kind (Ok, I play sports but still, I'm not the type that can handle such rigorous trainings). I would say that I really enjoyed those days training with the team and picking up the sport. But all good things must come to an end I guess. It's quite saddening that the school wouldn't allow me to take on 2 school teams (considering that I've already secured my spot in the Badminton team) I decided to leave squash. It wasn't an easy decision weighing in the fact that I won't really get to play for the team in Badminton. Just going to take this chance to thank my squash teammates for teaching me so much and for helping me pick up the sport so quickly. Also, thanks Coach Zainal for putting in so much effort to teach me and help me learn faster. I'll be back in the squash courts someday I guess. (Might consider joining squash in the future haha cuase it really is a very fun and good sport to relax)

The rest of January wasn't really all that eventful except Lao's Birthday !!!!!! Jasmine is the oldest in Mahboobs so her birthday is first !!!! First birthday of the year, first birthday in 7C and first one to be legal and can buy me alcohol hahaha (Please don't mistaken that I'm an alcoholic please, I just love the taste hahaha) It was an awesomeue day as we split her celebration into 2. First was the cake and birthday song during recess and the best part came after school. (Shall not reveal too much here. It's for us to know and you to find out hehe)

February is what I would like to call my most exciting month. From celebrating my birthday to CNY and many many test. This month is just super busy for me. So as not to bore everyone to death, I shall focus on 3 main events. 

1. Happy 18th Birthday to Me
Yes! It's finally here! I'm finally legal to drink and buy toto haha. Celebrated my birthday at home since it's HBL day aka slack day. I actually planned to go to USS with my family but since I couldn't finish my HBL work on time, we stayed at home. 

The first surprise I received was from MahBoobs. (Thanks guys) yups I got pretty notebooks which I'm going to put to good use and FOOOOOOD. THANKS GUYS. Y'ALL KNOW ME TOO WELLLLLL!!!!! 

Me and my wonderful gits courtesy of MahBoobs
Group Selfie !!

Second part of the birthday celebration was from my parents. Really didn't expect my mum and dad to get me a cute princess banner and helium balloons haha. (I'm a kid again, a legal kid that is)

Had awesome cake and ate my birthday all-time favourite, DRUMSTICK FROM KFC haha. It's been a long time tradition that I've been following. Every birthday I'll have a drumstick from KFC to munch on haha. 

2.Fun under the Sun
Spent quite a bit of time this month under the sun. From running around to cover orientations games to getting rammed by running J1s during War Games, it's been a really awesome photography journey. As Term 1 comes to an end, my life as HC Photographer is almost ending. In about 2-3 months time, we'll all be stepping down, but that doesn't mean that it's the end of my photography journey hehe. Do look out for my pictures on my facebook profile. Add me. 
FaceBook and tag all your friends in the pictures. 
Thumbs up to the guy who reminds me of lion king

Awesome hair sia

Our dear Fac Head preparing for war

To add on to the tanning, I've recently been into playing Frisbee. Yes, you heard it. I'm becoming like one of those high school boys flicking around school. But that doesn't mean that I'm not freaked out by flying objects haha. It's actually quite fun when you play with people of the same standard and everyone is having fun. 

Got quite tanned after Tuesday's ultimate session with the badminton rec club people. Shout out to the awesome people ! Confident to say Bad. Rec people are SUPER NICE (minus some haha) So here's a big thank you to those in my group (Bryan Chia, Student of the Year Jin Kai, the Quan brothers Hong Quan and Wei Quan, Rachel, Wan Ling, Cheryl Mah,Xue Er who's no longer with us P.S. Do well in Squash kays and that stupid Banana who is randomly crashing ahah) 

3. CNY Celebration & POP

Celebrated my first and last CNY in Hwa Chong. It's pretty awesome. Did my first LoHei for the year as well. Shout Huat until I lost my voice haha #toodamnfail  

Had a lot of fun running around taking pictures of everyone and trying to find people in the crowd. But I have to say, the food in the street market is a rip off. Who sells a small bowl of food for like $2. 

Sneak Preview of the Lion Dance by High School

After the celebration the J1s had POP. It's super nice to watch them dance again (Reliving the good'ol days of J1 when we were once so carefree and relaxed) 
Cool Blue Sexy Artemis 

Ares the God of War

Live Loud Live Proud

Who dare mess with us will be Roti Prata

Ares Encore God of Dance

Shall spend the rest of my CNY editing photos and writing more blog posts.

Till next time, 
Gong Hei Fatt Choy
Happy Chinese New Year!

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