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Long awaited freedom

HELLO WORLD! I'm finally back (hehe) It's been an awfully long time since I last updated this blog and I have to say I've been really busy. Well, at least I'm back ! 


I guess everyone's been waiting for this for a super long time, after all the mugging over the past 2 years, it's finally the time to have a good break before starting off on a new journey. Can't believe it actually. 12 years of formal education ended just like this. Well I can't say that I'll really miss school but I have to say, it's gonna be tough every morning deciding what to wear to school and who I'll be hanging out with in school cuz we no longer have school uniforms and classes to stick with. #adultproblems lol

As for this holidays, no overseas trip sadly but I've been really busy already even though it's only the 1st week of holidays haha. 

Chalet, buffet, outings, Big walk etc. haha

Let's start off with my getting fat routine.
It's only the first week and I've already started eating a lot haha. Buffet out with Mr. Burden whose main aim is to get me fat. Not forgetting another food outing again next week. I swear I need to start my exercise routine before I turn into snorlax. 

Then came, CHALETTTT with the BadRec people. I hae to say, despite all the havoc and problems we had along the way of preping and going to the chalet, it was SUPER DUPER FUN!!!!!! 2D1N was just amazing with a bunch like them. From getting lost looking for a satay shop, getting drenched in the beach tram and walking up the "waterfall" to Coasta Sands Sentosa. It was all so fun. Didn't sleep that night and #charadesgamestrong can't believe we stayed up all night just laughing and playing that haha. BBQ was awesome too. Starting a fire in the rain haha #epic and setting our satay sauce on fire #bananasonfire #achievementunlocked 

We really should meet up often in the future before the boys become botak. (Sadded that they're enlisting in Jan next year, so early! Sadded that we have no chance to go overseas together anytime soon)

With le Banana


I look retarded 

Now that almost all the fun is over, I'm starting to get busy with work. Haven't really found a full time temp job or internship but...

Well given the fact that I'm unemployed, having some money rolling in is cool haha. 

Gonna start off as a tuition teacher today at a center (pretty surprised that they even approached me) while waiting for MOE to approve me to be an instructor for Code-For-Fun (super surprised abotu this as well) Gonna have to get a full time temp job soon. Contemplating if I shoudl take on the 9-5 job of a student care teacher at the same center haha. Why don't you guys let me know if ya'll think I'm capable of taking on such a job haha. 

Sorry for the super poor quality of this blog post cause it's really been a while and there's too many things I wanna share with everyone. Do check out my Insta for more updates on #samfreedomadventures and if you have a job offer do drop me an email at samchangphotography@gmail.com 

Let the holiday begin and more blog posts to come.


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