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Throwback Module Review


Haven't updated this blog in a really long time cuz uni has been really busy lately. Now that finals are over, it's time for multiple updates~
First up, #EnginWelfare GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1.5 months after elections, it's time for 39th's first event! Welfare Pack Giveaway. (aka the most shag event for me). Honestly, for a first time, it's rather successful for me huehue.

I'm sure most people who came down to collect the packs were pretty happy with the goodies inside and all the fringe activities around, but bet you didn't know how much time and effort was put into packing the 2,600 bags. 

Took up the job knowing that it's gonna be super shag to pack the bags, but totally didn't expect it to be this tiring. 3 days, almost 72 hours with loads of help to unpack, count, pack and transfer all the bags from club room to the area outside LT6. Have to say, it was really an eye-opening experience. 

So here we go~ 

3 Behind-the-Scenes from Sem 1 EWP

1. Emails after emails after emails

Wayyyyyy back to the days right after midterms, I've already started reaching out to sponsors and trust me, when it comes to sponsors, they really have to up their game when it comes to replying emails. Seriously, if you check through my sent mail, you can see that I've emailed at least 100 companies and less than 20 even bother replying. So shout out to my wonderful sponsors who were nice enough to reply my emails and provide us with vouchers and other freebies. Special mention to Sean & his team for the free ice cream ~ 

*Note to self: START EARLY~ Now that finals are over, it's time for more sponsor emails~*

2. Pack, Unpack, Pack, Unpack

If you were there for any of the packing/unpacking days, THANK YOU A LOT! Really wouldn't have known what to do without all the people who came down to help out. From collection, shifting and finally packing the bags, it was all too shag for just my team to handle. So really thanks to the Welfare Comm, 39th and of course, those random friends who were nice enough to spend your Friday and Sunday coming down to help us pack the bags. Now that we've achieve such a feat, we are all ready to be postman (cuz we can slot paper into slots really welllllll)


3. Midnight Madness
The night before welfare giveaway was the most fun yet most tiring part of it all. From the last minute packing to running from club room to LT6, it was just CRAZY~ Will always remember all the stupid things we did like trying to throw the bags down to the pavilion, to using bamboo poles to carry the bags. Well it turns out that the best way to transport those burden bags is still the good'ol traditional trolley. Well, it was a super fun experience! And it's a miracle how I survived through the night and went for CA the next day haha.

On another note, it's interesting how I survived the whole packing and event with no voice. Don't know how and when but somehow, my voice died during the event but revived right after. Like WTF. 

Well, was planning to keep this post short since there are more coming, but oh wells...


Acting happy cuz the packing drove me insane

Look at those goodies

Collection is hard without a car

Almost done?

Thanks 39th for coming down to help 

All these bags

Best IC Shao Bo

Adrian really bagus at crowd control

Welfare Comm looking PWETTY
Glad that our first event as a welfare comm is done and I'm so looking forward to Sem 2, cuz there's gonna be a lot of crazy events coming up!!!! 

The incomplete Welfare Comm


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