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Throwback Module Review

Year 1 Sem 2 Module Review

Now, I have to say, Sem 2 flew by so quickly that I didn't really pay much attention to the details of life. This is an extremely late module review update and summer is going to end soon so, YES I'm finally going to write the module review post. 

Not really sure how many people actually find this useful and all but at least for me it was pretty useful when I found out more about the modules though some senior's blogs. So here we go, module review for the sem where I decided to go all cray cray with 26MCs (that's 7 modules for those who don't know)

P.S. It's been so long, I can't really remember most of my tutors and lecturers so sorry about that. 

Modules Taken:


Lecturer: Assoc Prof Chew Tuan Seng (not my actual lecturer)

Up till this day (if you have read my previous module review), I still hate math. Seriously, I have no talent for math so I decided that if I pass it would be a miracle. As per the previous semester, I decided not to go for any math lecture because of 2 reasons, 1. The lecturer I was allocated to (which is not Prof Chew) was just reading off the slides during lectures and his slides were literal copy and paste from the notes so what's the point of going for his lecture when I can read it on my own. 2. I was too damn lazy to wake up for Prof Chew's 9 am lectures since there is webcast. Well, despite knowing that this probably will not work for me I still carried on with it (since math was not really the priority for me. SU sua la) But oh wells... 

*Tips: Similar to the previous review, chiong PYP, and webcast is always much better at 2x speed.

Grade: B (which I am once again very very extremely grateful for) 


Lecturer: Nidhi Sharma
Tutor: Raditya 

Physics again? Yes! This is a mod that is usually taken in Sem 1 but as a bridging kid, I only can do it is Sem 2 after I've completed my bridging modules. Comparing this with bridging physics it's definitely harder, but I guess I finally understand why seniors say that bridging students have a slight advantage over those who did A level physics. PC1431 is essentially a follow-up for PC1221. What that means is that the concepts are more or less the same with the addition of a few new formulas and topics. To keep it short, this is really a mod that most people can score in (and by that, I am saying I'm not "most people") 

Looking at the lectures and tutorials, I would say that bridging profs and tutors are much more approachable in the sense that maybe either mindset is more tailored for people who just decided to take physics again. In the case of PC1431, the tutorials were pretty fast and the way Raditya works is that answers are often not provided. He likes to provide us with the methods and stops just when the answer is not completed. That is a major problem for me because I am someone who studies answer keys to understand concepts. Lecture wise, it was pretty much the same as other lectures.

*Tip: If you decide not to go for lectures, at least go for the remedial classes because she literally summarized the entire syllabus in 5 lessons.

Grade: B (really happy)


Lecturer: Prof Tan Meng Chwan (IRON MAN), Prof Lim Hock Siah (whose lecture I never went for) and Prof Feng Yuan Ping
Tutor: Yan Kheng (Not my tutor but who cares)

One of the most annoying mods for me this semester. Lectures are split into 3 parts. The first part is taught by Prof Tan (Aka Iron Man, cuz he looks like Tony Stark) and he is like the best cuz I can actually understand his lectures and they are webcasted. Second part is by Paul Lim (I think). No webcast. Couldn't be bothered to go for his lectures. And finally, the last third goes to this China prof which I totally gave up on. Don't know what he is saying. Webcast was pretty bad so I just pretty much studied the whole of the last part on my own. (well actually I studied the whole mod on my own la so what's the difference) 

Tutorials were pretty OK considering that I refused to go for my allocated (aka Radit's) tutorial and just went straight for Yan Kheng's cuz he actually provided us with answers and useful tips. (not saying that Radit didn't but his style was just not meant for me)

*Tips: Study the textbooks and make sure you do the practices in the textbook if you intend to skip lecture.

Grade: B+ (PSA after finals, I was dying because I was only confident of getting 6 marks for the entire paper and that was no good. I was having really bad nightmares of failing the mod and having to retake but oh and behold, second best mod for the sem) 


Lecturer: Every week they bring in a special guest speaker so yay

Have to say that this is my favourite mod for this semester. Lectures happen once every week and each lecture is about 3 hours. For the first part (1 hour) there will be a guest speaker who will talk about a public health topic which we are supposed to do some reading at home beforehand. There will also be a graded quiz to mark our attendance for the mod. After the lecture (which most of the time I sleep through), we will split up into the groups that we are pre-allocated to do a group essay which makes up quite a large portion of the marks. I was lucky enough that I had a nursing student in my group and she was really experienced in all these topics so her ideas and solutions we really unique. Had a great time discussing solutions and ideas and I have to say that the group was very understanding as well. Lucky me was the only blur Year 1 in the group so they really helped me a lot along the way, allowing me to share my ideas and stuff. This mod is about the luck as well I guess. My group always got >20/25 for our group essays. 

To replace mid terms we had to submit this self-reflection health review thingy which essentially is an essay with pictures. There was also the "graded assignment" which stood in place of a finals paper where we had to produce 2 essays. The questions were more critical thinking based and we were made to think of solutions and justify them with research. One week for the assignment was pretty ok for me just that the word count was a biatch cuz knowing me and how long winded I am, word count is always the problem. 

*Tips: Refer to senior notes for the essay and always try to make your essays different from others (try including charts and graphics and different presentation styles to make your essay stand out)

Grade: A- (#essaylyfe)


Lecturer: Aaron Ng
Tutor: Li Peng Xian

New mod, VERY VERY NEW MOD. We are the first batch to take this module and though it's fun, I have to say that it's a bad choice. With 50 people in the class, the bell curve was horrible. We had lectures every week and tutorials were spent analyzing campaigns and focusing on the PR model. Midterms were just regurgitating (and I obviously didn't study hard enough for it). We also had to do a group project within our tutorial class (did I mention that there was only 10 of us in the class LOL). 

For the project, we had to find an issue and design a campaign to address it. Not a surprise but my group mates were meh compared to GEH. We did ok I guess. Finals were just writing essays and essentially just another critical thinking mod. So if you hate essays please do not follow in my footsteps. (P.S. my 2 friends totally hated all the writing)

*Tips: MEMORISEEEEEEE and that's all you need (ok and maybe some critical thinking will be nice for finals, and maybe some summary skills because when there is no word limit, I write 6 pages per essay)

Grade: B- (Expected something better, but oh wells, stupid bell curve)


Tutor: Desmond Lau

Love-hate relationship with this mod, mainly because tutorials were very fun and easy, but the bell curve is super duper steep considering that the ENTIRE FREAKING SCHOOL IS TAKING IT AT ONCE!!! (ok, not the entire school but 1000++++ people including those in stats and math, no fun dude)

Don't be fooled. This might be a GEM mod, but it's got a lot to do with statistics and math. A bit of calculation here and there, a lot of playing with words. Very tiring module when it comes to deadlines because you need to find a research study to analyze and criticize. Like dude, people write studies, they should be pretty fine, but nope, we still could find flaws and errors. 

As a whole, a lot of time will be spent watching web lectures and attempting the tutorial questions, but lessons are really fun with Desmond. Midterms and Finals are MCQ but they are really tricky. 

*Tips: Just make sure you are awake during the paper and not like me, half asleep.

Grade: B


Ok, maybe it's not all that bad, but I still find that it could have been avoided. There was a confusion as to whether this mod was a graduation requirement. Some said that the office said yes, while others said they just dropped it, who knows? Anyways, you will only have to turn up for 2 face to face sessions which was pretty chill. Just sitting there in DA2 talking and listening to the woman ramble on about life skills (oh and trying not to fall asleep). 

There are weekly web lectures to watch and readings as well (which I obviously don't read/watch) just made sure that I passed the quizzes and also did my fair share of essays to submit. The most hated part of this module for most people would be how tedious it is, from the quizzes to the need to post weekly forum posts (somewhat like reflections from the readings) and also most engineer's greatest nightmare, ESSAYS. 

For me, though I like writing, I still felt that the time spent could be spent on other things like maybe playing more DOTA (kidding)

Grade: CS (oh yeah, didn't mention this before, this mod is not graded LMAO)

And that's all for this very very very late module review. Hopefully, it helped you in deciding what mods to take when bidding starts on Monday!

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