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EnginClub 40th MC

And I'm back with the 3rd post for the night. Welllllll, this was supposed to be up at least 3 months ago, but it's been 1 semester with this new team, which means more stories to share and of course, more photos!!!! Won't be writing much about the whole process of elections again so you can check out my 39th MC post here where I talked about all the details: https://pioneer-crescentian.blogspot.sg/2016/09/enginclub-39th-mc.html#.WkKQaN-WZ3g

Many people asked me how did I end up in EnginClub again, I'm pretty sure I said that Welfare was the end of me, but somehow, I managed to convince myself that there is a need for me to stay in the club to watch all my efforts continue for at least another year. Wouldn't it be a waste to watch all your efforts go to waste at the end of the year. That's the problem with student clubs, we're appointed for 1 year and when our term ends, all our projects leave with us. Well, you can say that we are suppose to pass on the materials to our successors and help guide them to continue with the legacy, but everyone has their own ideas and it's not very nice for us to impose our own plans on others, and so there goes all the efforts of the team. Staying in EnginClub, I get to contribute to the legacy I left behind. 

Going through the same process again this year (just that we had shorter preparation time), the feeling's really different considering the fact that the people who are interviewing you are you friends who worked with you for 1 year and internals was surprisingly still as scary as before, but oh wells, I somehow got myself into this position and with all the workload on my shoulders haha. (Side note, I like how Wei Yin said that my presentation for this year was more nonchalant than last year haha, I guess my style never changes.) 

Shall share a bit about what I've been doing in the club. So, for those who don't know, your 39th Welfare director got promoted to  40th Vice President (Student Affairs). To answer the FAQ, I look after the Welfare, Student Life and Academics directors, helping them with their events and proposals, on top of there is the feedback channels that I'm suppose to manage but the number of feedback emails I've received this sem was like less than 10, there was also suppose to be 2 other side projects under my care but they've since been either removed or the workload has been shared amongst PCell. So that's about it actually. As little as it may seem, there's actually a lot to be done, considering the fact that there's PCell meetings, MC Meetings, sitting in with the welfare and student life comm meetings. Oh and did I mention how many new faces I kinda have to recognise. Sounds like I don't have to do much but the amount of admin shit that needs to be done is like mad. 

So enough of the work talk, now more about the fun stuff that we do together. Had our Xmas party + secret santa (just like last year) with a BBQ and I got a shit cushion which is more or less like my family pet now. Guess u can say we throw shit around the house now hahahaha. Next up, bonding day is coming next week and I'm not sure if I'm gonna be alive enough to make it though (been falling sick lately).

Well, enough of all the talking, let's bring on the pics ~

YAY MC poster! (Thanks Les)

When the tripod becomes a selfie stick

Girls of EnginClub haha

I'm pretty sure this is their wedding photo

40th MC #SWAG

PCell (and I actually look not bad here haha)

Here's to more fun with 40th in the upcoming sem (Probably my last sem joining committees, getting too old for this shit haha)

Till next time readers, stay happy!

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