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Reindeers are better than people

"Reindeers are better than people
Sven, don't you think that's true?
Yeah, people will beat you and curse you and cheat you
Every one of em's bad, except you!"

It's Easter Sunday ! JOHN 3:16 For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Amen. Thank the Lord for what He has given us and be thankful for each and everyday. Though we have sinned, God has forgiven and  we shall follow in His ways.

Life has been a little less drama these days but school work is really starting to pile up. 
Things that happened since the last update:
- Council Elections !!
- Start of CCA sessions
 and plenty more

Now first off, council campaign week wasn't really what I had expected it to be. It's not as "crazy" as it was in Crescent. I remember before president elections, the candidates would be walking around and giving out free stuff, but here, I didn't really see any of the candidates around. It's just so... normal...

Well, campaigning sure is tough for the people and I'm glad that everyone pulled through. 3 people ran for council in my class and I'm really proud and glad to say that all 3 of them got in (CONGRATZZZZZZZ!!!!) It's not easy trying to get votes and "sacrificing" your life for the entire student body. While there were people who were celebrating when results were released, there are also those who had tears in their eyes. I guess you can't blame them, they gave it all but lost out in terms of popularity. *I have to say, council elections tends to be a popularity vote sometimes. If you don't have enough friends, say bye bye to your dreams of getting into council* Well, I find that no matter what, it was a great experience for them as well. Thank goodness I made the right decision not to run for council since I don't think I'll even be able to pull through the first phase. So kudos to those who ran cause you guys did a great job as well.

Now for the cray cray school life. It's only week 5 and the tests are really piling up. Not to mention all the homework and group works. (Did I mention that PW groupings are out. I'm quite happy with my group members but scared that I'll end up being the most slack person since all of them are so on one) Now back to the tests and homework. I'd say I'm really struggling with the work-life balance thing cause work is really taking up too much of my time nowadays. Especially with all the CCAs and stuff going on in my life. Can't really understand what is being taught as well *worrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy* But on a brighter note, I can totally see why I should've gone to an Art class cuz ECONS FTW !!!! Have no idea what chemistry is all about but woohoo econs is all about da MOOLAAAAAA.

Talking bout work-life balance, CCA statred in week 3! I pretty happy with the people in Photog, especially my group of crazy people. They make every photog session extremely fun and enjoyable. I'm planning on running for photog exco but will I make it, who knows? Badminton seems fun as well. There're only 6 J1s and 4 were from Nanyang. The other JAE girl, Zi Wei is planning on quitting badminton since she got in OAC leaving me the only odd one out (I'm really happy for her though, it's really hard to get into OAC and I'm glad she made it in). I guess I just need some time to blend in ...

Now for some sentimental stuff...
There's one thing similar about me and ma bro and that's we have this switch in us. When we want to feel something, it comes to us and when we decide that it's enough we just throw it aside like nothing happened. 

Being in a co-ed school now, there is no way we can hide from the fact that someday we will end up having some feels but still can't believe that it came so soon (actually it's quite unbelievable since our standards are pretty hard to match up to ) But things never end well for me at least... 

One thing about me is that I'll never put off for second and that's one thing that kills all my feels. 
Those around me should know that I'm super attention seeking and though I look strong, I need someone to depend on. 

Some of you reading this may know who I'm talking about when I talking about this. If you do, let's keep it that way. If you don't, then so be it. 

To that person who got me thinking so damn freaking hard,
I think when you read this you'll know that I'm talking about you. All is cool now and I'm turning off that 'feels' switch and quack taping it down forever. I guess we're never meant to be and thank God I found that out before I fell too hard. It was nice to have illusions and since I know you like someone else (actually all along I knew but now it's confirmed), it's time for me to move on.  So, friends?

Moving on~
with a cleared out mind :)


P.S. People do leave me a comment for fun, peace, laughter, love, joy, harmony :D

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