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Throwback Module Review

A little bit about life


It's been a really long while since I updated (almost a month since my last update) now on with life...

Time really flies and a lot of things happened within this short period of time (by A LOT I really mean A LOT)

1 month of madness:
- Photog ExCo stuff
- HC Art Fest 
- Getting back LT 
- Badminton (or the lack thereof)
- PW grouping and more PW toot
- Load and LOADS of school work
 and plentiful of crap that happened

Now to start off, it's seasons for badminton! However, contrary to popular belief, YES I AM IN BADMINTON (NOT RECREATIONAL) but I'm not competing this year (sadly... cause I came in too late for registration and yups...) In order for the coach to focus on the the competitive, I've been excused from training (yay?) Haven't had the chance to mix with the rest of the team (and this awkwardness will get worse once the seniors step down. they already have 2 singles and 1 doubles + the fact that I train doubles doesn't make life any easier. I guess I can only pray for the best and somehow just make it through the next 12 months)

Photog stuff hasn't been easy either. People may think that Photographic society is a "slack" CCA, but I assure you, there's more than meets the eye. Running for ExCo wasn't the easiest thing to do for me (standing up front and giving a speech, NO WAY stage fright dudes + interviews? I'm a freaking joke la) Results were released today and sadly I didn't get in but the experience was worth it though. To be honest I'm quite happy with the new ExCo and would really like to congratulate everyone that got in and also to those we are like me, it's fine, at least we tried our best. I wish the ExCo will do their best to make CCA more fun and meaningful for us and hopefully a camp/exchange program soon?

Art Fest is next week and I would say it's not easy being in the OT (to be honest, is life even easy to start with?) When we first met up, we thought we had a lot of time on our hands, but time FLIES!!!!!!!! It's next week and we just got our stuff ready. Gonna have to stay back tomorrow to do more hands on craft. Art Fest will not fail, I WILL NOT ALLOW IT TO FAIL!!!!!!

My academics haven't really been great either. Idon;t know if it's because I still can't get a hang of the stuff here, I'm not putting in enough effort, or I'm plain DUMB (I believe it's the last option...) Like seriously, how can a person fail so many tests and it's not only one subject. Though my econs may be good the rest of my school work is like shit. Sometimes I really doubt my decisions in life. Was it a right choice to follow my dreams and getting myself in a Science stream, or should I have just gone into my forte in the Arts stream? I know that nothing much can be done now but I can't help but have that question stuck in my head. Being in such a good class isn't helping at all. This class is seriously quite zai la (as quoted from my chem teacher) and being in the bottom half (meaning way way bottom) is not really the best place to be. (but I lessthan3 this class to the max. They're quite awesome to be honest) I guess there's nothing much I can do but MUGGGGGGGGG.

To add on to the academic pressure, there's this "adorable" subject known as PW (dun dun dun....) I swear, this is the thing that steals our sleep away. It's like we spend 3 hours doing our PI DRAFT which carries on for like at least a month and what's the weightage? Less than 10% (like seriously WTF) Well, now that PI stage is over, we have GPP (like damn these acronyms...) Well at least this is a better stage cause I have my AWESOME group members. Though I don't say this often but I HEART my group, can't ask for a better group to be honest. (At least I'm kinda comfortable with the people in my group and most importantly I don't have to put on a goody goody image) If I were to describe my group I would say we are a big ROJAK, like all of us have quite distinct personalities but we mix quite well (maybe some better than others and some are just like the bangkuang that gets on our nerves when we eat too much)Next stop it WR and OP. I'm sure our PW group will do well with all our epicness and the brains (minus mine) 

Work load is starting to be a little bit more manageable, well at least I get to sleep in a little later (cause I found out that don't freaking need to be in school so early and after being ALMOST late a few times, I kinda found the best timing for me to get to school on time and have more sleep hehehe) Late nights are starting to get normal (I guess this is something that every JC/Poly kid will have to go through, the sleepless nights and crazy eye bags...) There have been days where I've survived on 4 hours of sleep and not break anything in the chem lab. But I guess I'm getting used to it already. (less sleep actually makes me more active except during lectures, that I'm not too sure) 

Last but not least, the most awesome thing that happened within this month was.....


I would say that I wasn't too thrilled for it at first cause they forced me into a skirt but it was indeed a PROMISING night!!! Really had a lot of fun with the class at the photo booth. Photo booths are SUPER FUN!!!! 

Though it wasn't full attendance, but it was fun with the people there nontheless. Oh and before I forget, CONGRATZ YONG HONG FOR BEING OUR NEW FAC HEAD!!!!!!!! 

Now to look forward to the next FO
Grabbing a picture with the girls (Photo credits to my awesome photog prezzie Chee Peng)

With the banner with MAHBOOBS (MIA: 花老大 & Blurgurl97)

Honouring our darling flower power 老大

And because I'm so hyped up by Ares FO...
I'm going for Artermis FO this Saturday!!!!! (so egg-cited!!!! and I even got a new dress from Groupon, not bad siol)

* TBH I intended this post to be a little more depressing at the start cause you can't blame me for being a little bit disappointed that I didn't get into ExCo. But after looking back at what happened this month and reading all the encouraging tweets and msgs from my classmates and friends, I can't bring myself to be emo over such a little thing in life. 失败后失望时难免的,但强者会从黑暗中踏出来。*




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