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2016: New Year, New Adventures, New Sam

Hello world!
It's 2016! Happy New Year! (Though I'm more than a week late) Well, it's already been really busy this year. Didn't have the time to write a year end reflection post for 2015 so I shall add a short reflection into this post as well.
*Warning! This will be a pretty long post*

Now to start off, it's only been a week into the new year and I've been really busy. For those of you who already know, I'm juggling ad hoc jobs together with my tuition job and now I'm taking on the buffet server job. Sounds like I'm mad but yeah, need the money. My tuition job is my first ever job and it's been really good up till now. Still can't believe that I got the job which started right after my chalet and it's quite interesting teaching the kids. Unlike what most people think, I currently have 2 students for each class and it's pretty manageable for me (No need to use the white board phew). Other than that, I'm trying out this hotel job as a buffet server (more of table clearer haha). To be really honest, I've never really expected myself to take on such a job because I try to avoid jobs that need me to 'serve' others but well, somehow I got this job and somehow, it's been pretty alright. (At least on my first day). I guess it's been really nice to have money flowing into my pockets finally and I'm really looking forward to the rest of the month when I can confirm more permanent ad hoc jobs with other companies. 

Next, shall talk a bit about my fun times. Seriously, I'd never though that I'd still be hanging out with some people after we graduate. 2015 was a pretty hard year and loads of things happened. Some of my closest friends left me and some came back (or did they). Things happened at home and results was pretty shitty. I guess 2015 was really a roller coaster ride. But I'm glad that it's over. If you asked me to go back and restart the year, I would change some things that I did and said but no regrets. People come and go and I think there's no point being sad over the few who don't treasure you. Well, moving on to the happier stuff. Glad to have my friends with me, and I'm pretty surprised who I ended up going to Poly Open House with haha. Interesting bunch. Haven't laughed so hard in such a long time, so much so that my face was aching when I got home. I'm convinced that once you hit 18, all your conversations really change a lot. We no longer have any self-censorship and boom everything from bras to R21 topics take over.

Moving on to the new year, adventures part. This year will hopefully bring me to new places, to meet new people and hopefully bring me to a better place that will create more meaningful memories. I've had my fair share of pain and suffering and I'm pretty sure, this year there will be more of such experiences, yet, I'm confident that I'm ready to handle what is ahead. With the people that actually care and love me, thanks for all the support y'all have given me all this while. I'm sure 2016 will be a better year. From 2015, I've learnt to let things go. Forget the people who treated you badly, forget the things that made you unhappy and really focus on the important things in life, the important people and mainly, focus on your own dreams. 

I hope that this post wasn't too boring (it probably was cuz of the reflection and shit) and I hope it inspired you to take on a new perspective in life. 
May 2016 bring us happiness and more fun. 
All the best everyone.

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