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Jobless Life

It's the 2nd day of school! Wow! Can't believe that the 8 months of holidays have ended and I'm back in school. Certainly didn't expect myself to get into university considering how horribly I did in my Prelims, but oh wells, those are the thing of the past. Now that I've made it here, it's time to start mugging.

Now to talk about something more related to the title of this blog post, my jobless life...

For those who have been following this blog for long enough would've known about my holidays and me working throughout this 8 months instead of wasting my life away. Surprisingly, I was given the chance to work in many different industries (from teaching to admin to sai-kang warrior).

When the holidays started about 8 months ago, I wanted to look for an ad-hoc job to fill up the emptiness without school. Never really wanted to find a so-called stable job and many have asked me why? To answer that question, I always say this, I want to enjoy working different jobs while my family can still support me. Not saying that I don't want to commit, it's more of I want to explore the different industries while I can. To me, a stable work life will be for after university, when we have to work for a living and won't have to chance to "enjoy" working. With this mind set in place, I went out to search for jobs. Along the way, if I were to list out the different things I've worked as, I think it's quite a lot considering the short period of time.

Started off working as a tuition teacher, which so happen to be my longest commitment and practically my only commitment over the past 8 months. It's pretty funny how I got this job. Normally people would have to send out their resumes to multiple agencies and post ads to get their first tuition job. Well, for me, I posted one and the center called me up. They initially wanted to get one out of the 3 of us who posted the ad, but somehow due to some complications with my friend's parents, I got the job. Will always remember how condescending my boss was when she hired me (*point to note, I have 2 bosses at the tuition center.) Well, I can't blame her, my Prelim results we like shit, like seriously, it looks nice that I come from Hwach and all, with good O level results, but once you see my results in Hwach, you'd probably reconsider my intellectual abilities. With all that said, I still got hired and happy me got my first job. After 8 months working in that place, I have to say that it was a pretty interesting experience. There are times when I wanted to 'get rid' of my boss so much and when my kids were so annoying I just wanted to shut them up. But there were also times when I feel the satisfaction of being a teacher, when your kid comes to you and say that they improved. Pretty sad that I had to leave the job due to school schedules. Though I really wanted to stay with them at least till they finish their SA2,

While I was working as a teacher, I took on other ad-hoc jobs as well. There was Code-For-Fun instructor where I had to teach kids how to code. Like seriously, had a 1-day crash course on coding and off I am to teach a class of Primary school kids who were much better at that shit than me. Well, it was a very interesting experience trying to control the kids and definitely eye-opening. Like the school teachers would actually be unhappy with us if we didn't shout and scold the kids for being naughty or rowdy. Woah, this is the 21st century right? Who still goes with this sort of crowd control methods?! Oh before I forget, I had a one time off job as a photobooth assistant at an army camp. Fun much! It's pretty fun talking to all the people there and trying to bring people to our booth.

Have to say that my most memorable work experience would be at Corpthorne. Never thought I'd go work as a sort-of waiter. Was a "buffet server" aka the person who clears your plates when you're done eating. Have to say that it's a very different experience to be on the service side at a buffet. From carrying heavy trays to learning how to do things with grace, it was a pretty great experience. Met a lot of nice people like my Boss and managers and also the very nice chefs who will feed us part-timers. Special mention to my awesome manager, Ivan, who really taught me a lot and I have to say, although he is an ass and super strict when it comes to service, he is a great teacher and of course, a really nice person. From his interaction, not only with us, but also his regulars, you can see that he is someone that has good interpersonal skills. Pretty sad that he went back to Indonesia already and even our old boss who looks like the Pringles man left already. Really thought of going back to work while studying but since all these nice people already left, I doubt that I'll go back, unless I become broke from all the eating and random stuff I sign up for.

Well, now that school has started, I realised I don't really have the time to work anymore, considering all my commitments and physics bridging and trying to remember how to mug (Shall rant in another post someday). Shall try to enjoy this so-called jobless life, though I always feel that being a student it also a job, just that we are not getting paid for working so hard to mug.

That's all for now. Can't believe I spent a few days crafting this post and here's to more exciting uni life posts!

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