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Throwback Module Review


And aft 1.5mths of dancing and preparing for the big day, it's over~
Can't believe that this journey in RAG has come to and end, but fear not, once a RAGger, always a RAGger. Already set my mind on coming back to help out next year. RAG has definitely been an amazing journey and as I have said on my Insta post, I really treasure the friendship we've forged and the memories we share. Honestly, never really expected myself to step out and do something so different like dance. Although I always wanted the opportunity to dance, I knew I didn't have the talent and ability. Being part of RAG and dance was really something that came across my mind and really blessed to be able to be part of this whole experience.

For costumes, we had always been having a lot of fun when we go down to do stuff. But as RAG day drew near, everyone started getting stressed out and really busy. It's really amazing how we managed to make 110+ costumes out from scratch (except the Finale costume which we still spent a whole freaking load of time cutting out the shiny cloth and sewing it onto the shirt to make it the gay pride shirt) Really really thankful for the seniors for spending their holidays helping to design and make the costumes. Also, for tanking through the last week of RAG without sleep just to finish up all the details and basic costumes. Honestly never thought that I would have any contribution to costumes except being hard labour and like maybe cutting out the cloth. Never expected to be able to input ideas for the designs and be able to learn how to use the sewing machine. Ended up being one of the main people at costumes. Really didn't expect that but I guess I did sell my soul to RAG as the deadline drew near. Shall keep this short and say thanks to the seniors and my fellow freshies for carrying costumes to achieve what we achieved. 

Costume-Dancer Hybrids

With the awesome costumes team
Notice how the lack of sleep impairs coordination

So tired we ended up on the floor *Moments before boss falls asleep 

As for St Jazz...

Gotta say sorry for always running away after practice to help out at costumes and not joining you guys for lunch/dinner. All I can say is that you guys are a weird bunch and I like it weird. Thankful that Min Nee and Jaryl accepted me into this dance crew and for teaching me all the dance moves when I'm such a bad dancer. Never expected myself to be able to remember all the moves and stand on the stage to perform. Like I said before (for almost a million times) dance is really not my thing, especially not street jazz (with all the sexy moves and stuff). Never really expected myself to pull off this performance and I have the choreos and the rest of the crew to thank. Thanks guys and gals for helping me out throughout this 1.5 months and thanks for always being so happy and fun to be with. You guys may not know/sense it but I truly appreciate every single one of you. Thanks for the fun and memories through this journey and really look forward to seeing everyone again in the future (more meetups and RAG 2017) 
Random Selfie after we got our make up on

With the people that gave me the courage to step out and sign up for RAG

Thanks ButterFingers for coming :)

Much love for this burden that turned up out of no where


Full Attendance for once

RAG face ON

Just before we got chased to dance prac with bubbles

Looks like I pretty much succeeded in keeping this post short and less emo, though I'll probably start crying once I start writing the individual notes. 

Here's a sneak peak at our dance during the showcase

Thanks everyone who's been part of this journey in one way or another. Thanks for helping me out and for giving me such a good memory. Thanks for helping me enjoy uni life before the hectic mugging life begins. There's no other words to describe my feelings but LOVE YALL! 



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