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Throwback Module Review

RAG Chalet!

RAG is officially over ! 
Can't believe this but this 2-3 months journey has finally come to a close. I have to say that RAG has been such a journey and I really had a lot of fun. For those who already know, you will understand how much I really enjoyed the dance and learning so much in costumes. So now for the main thing, the RAG CHALET!!!!
In RAG Chalet we finally know who our Angel was for the Angel-Mortal Game. Have to say that it wasn't as fun for me I guess cuz my Angel was not there and I guess he was totally not interested in this game. Whereas for my mortal, I guess he just enjoyed the presents and well, it's been fun I guess. At least I felt the love from my Mortal sia. Well, for more fun, I decided to have another mortal which is my senior haha. Funny how he was totally fooled bout my identity and also much love for him. Honestly didn't expect gifts back from my mortals and the best thing is he actually have this Golden goodie bag like WTF *my mortals need to stop one-uping me*

For the rest of the night, I just really chilled with costumes people, which was mainly Xin Ye and the seniors. Quite funny how we just chilled in the living room while the rest of the world was drinking and the dance people were bonding. Well we did our own bonding, through gossiping hahahaha. Had a lot of fun! *Note how I actually abstained from alcohol ok! Had fun walking around catching pokemon and like just talking. I guess sometimes it's really nice to have like some clean time and enjoy the company of the people around us. 

Went for a walk to Changi Boardwalk and spoke to random people about fishes. Never thought I'd do such strange stuff but I still say the same thing, university is where I'm stepping out of my comfort zone.

I guess this is a really short post haha but really no idea what I want to write in this post. I guess this is a post just for me to remember that this happened and I will always say this was a super fun journey and most of my reflections are already on my previous RAG post. 

So now this is done, more bloggggggggpostsssssssssssssssssssssssssss 

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