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Throwback Module Review

Sem 1 is over?!

Now for the long ass post. (Have to make up for my long hiatus from blogging)
The last thing I really talked about before EWP was midterms and a lot of things happened from then till now. There were good days when I had a lot of fun from random shit that I did and there were also bad days when assignments, tests and everything was coming at me all at once. Pretty sure that there's not much of a need for me to talk about all these useless things here but I'm still gonna do it so that when I'm old and gray, I can look back and think about how dumb I was in the past.

To get the ball rolling, let's start with workload.
If anyone is telling you that uni life is easy and you'll get loads of time to do whatever you like, let me tell you that it's a big fat lie. Don't be misled into believing that you can continue doing well in school, have a social life, do whatever you like and still get your 8 hours of rest in university. It isn't as easy as you think (or how they say it). I was made to believe that in uni I will have more time to pursue my interests and have some fun. Well, it's partially true, but there is always something you have to sacrifice. The 'holy trinity' is true. Social life, grades and sleep, you get to pick only 2. Unless you really smart and talented, then maybe you'll be able to pull of the juggling trick. At first, it may seem like there's nothing much to do because there isn't homework per say, but there is always something to do. It's a lie that you can skip lectures, it's a lie that you can not do your tutorials and in general, it's a lie that you can slack off and expect to get your As in university. I guess uni is a place where you have to have self-control and really be independent and responsible for your education. If you don't understand anything, don't depend on your tutors because chances are, they probably don't care as well. Have friends around, google. Do whatever it takes to understand what you need to because it's just going to get worse if you are blur. 

Also, don't fall into the trap of believing that you can get away with not studying, especially in Engin. People say that they don't study or they play around all day, but beware, there are loads of bellcurve wreckers out there who are playing all day but are smart as hell. These are the people who either sacrifice their sleep or they are crazily smart (trust me there are a lot of such people in university) 

TL;DR Uni life is not as easy as you think, so brace yourself for the workload and learn how to be independent 

Next thing will be commitments. 
From midterms till now, I've practically sold my soul into a lot of activities, so I'm really really excited for Sem 2 and Summer to come. There's RAG'17, BME Camp'17, random BME stuff and more EnginClub stuff. Of course Welfare will be doing a lot of shit too in the coming sem, so I'm really excited. Have been planning for all these super fun stuff for everyone, but have to admit that it's been super shag too. 

Now for the fun part...
Bridging has finally ended (no I refuse the thought of retaking, S/U sua). It's been a really fun journey back to learning physics again and it's here that I found new friends as well. Like I have no idea how and when our little group formed up and it's expanding yay. #BridgingBuddies are really the bomb man. They make lectures and tutorials so much more bearable and really, I doubt I'd survive without them (espeically when it comes to understanding physics and chionging assignments) From all our late night (or should I say early morning since we don't sleep and there's always more than 1 person online at any one time) whatsapping to chiong CS and random trigger words during lunch, it's been a really fun time and hopefully we'll stay like this for the rest of our uni lives. 

We're also half way through our term as the 39th and it's been really fun. You can read more about EWP in my other post. Speaking of the 39th, I must say that we're a really funny bunch of people with really random thoughts. Looking forward to our bonding session and let's have more fun before our term end (which is like really soon, NOOOOOOO)

Shouldn't be writing so much, but still there's always space for a PHOTO SPAM!!!!

39th | Step

Recruitment drive photoshoot (in the rain)

Things we do during our crazy lunch

In memory of our dear friend Pink Bean

Finals got us in a box

Almost full strength with #bridgingbuddies

Still almost full strength

All dem happy faces after our last paper (at 7pm...)

Finally 10/10 but the photo quality sucks T.T
But it's kay, 10/10 friendship
It's been an eventful sem 1, look out for more fun in Winter'16~


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