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SCHOOL'S OUT! (or so I thought)


After 3 weeks in a new school, it's finally the holidays. I can't help it but be really thankful that there is a break from school. There's just so much that I need to do to try to catch up with (not only work but also other stuff).

I am dumb and I can't help it! I am seriously lagging behind the class by a lot. (like who the F gets such bad results for pop quizzes) This break is seriously gonna be a good time for me to really pull up my non-existent socks and really buck up on my work.

*I'm gonna say this hoping that no one from my class or OG sees this. It's not like I hate them or anything, in any case, they're all really awesome and nice people, but I find a need to rant out my thoughts. Anyway, I don't think anyone will read this blog if I don't post the link. So here it goes...*

And in other news:
(I hope I don't offend anyone...)
It's a good break from society. I need to clear my mind and get my head sorted out. I still can't tell who is genuinely my friend and who is just a freaking 2-faced Medusa (hopefully no one) After all that has happened in Sec 1, I am really becoming more paranoid to the people around me (except my buds) It's not that I'm anti-social or anything, but my senses are telling me to be more careful around some people and really stay away from others. I've been really careful with what I say and do (Trying not to turn the whole world against me is really hard okay)

(No offence to the people in my class seriously.)
My class is nice and all but sometimes I can't help it but feel left out. It's not that they don't involve me (though at times I think it's intentional) but being a JAE kid, it's not all that easy to TRY to blend in with the rest. I really envy some of my JAE classmates who really blend in really well. I try (or maybe it's not hard enough) At times I really wonder, why am I in such a class, I should be somewhere else, I don't belong there. They're all so smart and gifted and there is me POTATO! Tryna catch up both in academics and social life is really draining all of me. [Not that I don't like the class but, I think I should have gone to another school so that I wouldn't be struggling so much] I love the people in my class, especially my group of JAE friends, but it's really getting on my nerves that I'm an outcast (or so I thought)

This holidays will really be a time for me to chiong my work and also reflect about how horrible I've been for the past 3 weeks to the people around me. I know I'm a horrible friend and an extremely terrible group mate/ partner. *sighs*

Now to think about transferring out....

Signing off,

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