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Countdown to RAG!

NUS Rag&Flag
I guess most people would have heard of NUS RAG and all the stuff that goes on with it. For those of you who have no idea what it is. RAG stands for Receive and Give. It's an activity organized by the NUS Student Union as part of the Freshmen Orientation activities every year. There are mainly 2 parts to this, the RAG part and obviously the Flag day part. 

For those who know me well enough, you will know that I'm someone who will definitely sign up for flag day. Like I have no idea why, but I find this sort of stuff fun and meaningful at the same time. So why not?! This year, we'll be having flag day on 2 Aug all around Singapore (maybe I'll be at Orchard or something) So if you're free and see a bunch of young tired adults holding metal tins, do approach us and give generously to charity. It'll be certain that you will be seeing us along the streets, but I'm not sure how many of us will be awake and alive enough to approach people with a smile, so sorry in advance for our grumpy faces as we have late night practices the day before. On the other hand, do look out for the Engineer RAGgers and help us out. Although it's all for charity, it's also an inter-faculty competition as to who can raise the most funds. Engin has always been raising a really low amount so do appreciate the support! 

Now for the surprising part, I've signed up for Dance and Costumes! Surprise!

As you know, I can't dance for nuts, and especially not St Jazz (hahaha) Most people would have expected me to only join costumes since I had always expressed interest in doing like needle felting and stuff. But dance?! You gotta be kidding me! Let me summarize how I ended up in dance. First I was convinced to turn up for RAG preview day one day after engin camp. (I strongly believe the reason I agreed to coming was because I was too tired and said yes) Throughout the trials, I had set my mind up on either hip hop or urban, but then we went to our last try-outs, St Jazz. Had a good time and it was easier than the other dance trials so on impulse, Mel and I signed up for St Jazz together. And tadah! I'm dancing for RAG. Always liked dancing to KPOP and stuff, but could never do it well cause... You could say that dance really isn't in my blood (super stiff and shy) 

I have to say, after a few practices, I realised that I can actually dance and surprisingly, I'm near the front for more than half the dance haha. #achievementunlocked Although I can dance better now, it's no excuse to stop practicing. With RAG coming up really soon, dance pracs will be more tiring and vigorous! Gotta push on and do my best on the stage. 

As of now, I can say I'm really having a lot of fun with the people that I've met in RAG, be it the seniors or my fellow batchies. Jazzers have our own little fun during each practice and we're like the most noisy during combines whereas at costumes, we're a tight-knit family, cracking jokes and just randomly doing shit in the room. I guess this is really a good memory to have before school starts and all the stress kicks in. Glad that I joint this and hope that next year I can continue with this and make it as fun for the juniors. 

This is a pretty short post and no pictures cuz I'm reserving everything for the actual RAG post when we're done!

Til next time, 
Sam signing off!

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