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Throwback Module Review

EXordia - Union Camp

FINALLY I'M HOMEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After staying in school for 6D5N, I'm finally at home and sleeping on a bed!
The past few days have been filled with nothing but fun and laughter, be it from the camp itself or from RAG bonding day. Shall leave the RAG stuff for another post though I'm more excited to talk about RAG than Union camp...

Day 0
Was chilling at home, waiting to know my OG and House so I can pack. Spent a hell load of time packing clothes for 6D5N and was so tempted to bring my whole house there. (Especially my computer, missing DOTA for so many days is a pain). Mainly just packing and looking at how dead my Whatspp group was. Honestly was pretty afraid that I won't have a good time with them since the seniors kept saying that Union camp was horrible for them.

Day 1
Was suppose to go to school early to leave the RAG stuff in costumes room, but stupid 96 took forever to arrive and I ended up reaching engin later than expected. Plus, the rain didn't help. Ran all the way from EA to costumes with Mel and we were drenched. After all the wet and running, we managed to get ourselves onto a bus to Science. Met one of my OG mates at the bus stop when we alighted and we all went in together. Thought I'd be late but oops, the rest of the world is even later.
Didn't really spend time with my OG in the morning since the camp started late and I ran off for dance prac at 9+. Sad to have missed the ice breakers and stuff, but fortunately, I made some gal pals before I went off so when I came back things weren't that awkward.

Returned to camp pretty late after lunch and chill with the street jazz people. Got to know the people in my OG that came after I left and was taught the most chill, non-sexual cheer ever. Funny how I was the only one who was interested in cheering but yeah, guess virgin camp people don't really enjoy this kinda stuff. Well... the afternoon went by and I was super sleepy and shit. Funny how I finally allowed someone who looks lighter that me to piggy back me without fear. (Trust for ma bro Stephen)

Then there was SP. Third SP already, was hoping really badly that I would be third time lucky considering how horrible my past few experiences went. (Wanna know how bad it went? Read the other camp posts, or you can choose to hear me rant bout them. Not that I have something against my previous SPs, cuz I'm friends with them now, just that the experience itself was so bad that I wanted to cry so badly) Spoke to 4 guys and out of them 2 were from engin #EnginPride They all seemed really nice and it wasn't awkward at all #HappyWalrus (Felt really sorry to my engin guys cuz I was spending most of the time promoting RAG and tryna convince them to join RAG)

Sadly, the night went dry since the OGLs were not owls (or at least that's what they say) but yeah, supper with the guys and went to chill in costumes with Mel and Qian through the night.

Day 2
Played dry games. Can't really remember much that happened that day (or any other day for that matter) Breakfast was kinda pathetic but at least it was filling, after that was escape room. I have to say this is the best escape room among the 3 that I played. Though there are no jump scares, the puzzles were really good! Had a lot of fun solving all the puzzles and escaping the room (Thank goodness no forfeit) After that was the AMAZING RACE! Ran around school like crazy from Science to FASS and to Biz. Put in a lot of effort for all the games and had a lot of fun. The most memorable part was finishing the last game and packing up for the station masters and finally running back into an empty LT. Funny how we actually had so much time to slowly walk and pack up stuff and still be the first to arrive. #BestOG
So much time in the escape room to take photo

Don't judge us, this was a mission

Missing people but yay OG pic
Samantha-ception Sam carrying Sam

Ok this is not a mission but who cares #SELFIE

We the boss for finishing Amazing Race first

Ordered supper in from Ameens for the night. TEH CINO THE BEST!!!!!!!! I swear I found a new love for teh cino and I really didn't know when it started. Played burning bridges and first impressions over supper. Everyone went to sleep at 3+am and once again I went to chill at costumes. Saw boss sleeping in so no choice but to sleep as well haha.

Day 3
Sleep in day, sad day. Couldn't go to the beach with everyone else cuz of dance practice. RAG is life man. Instead of being at the beach, the union jazzers just chilled in a room and played drinking games with water. Funny how we all nearly died of water intoxication. 2L of water in 1 hour with no toilet is no joke man. Went down to Vivo supposedly to meet the rest for dinner but they went off before I reached. #crey
Union Jazzers

Having fun at our own 'beach day'

Then it was SP revelation. This SP revelation was so different from the past few. Untangled the string and got to meet my SP. I have to say that I'm super duper to get someone so normal as my SP. LIke seriously, was spazzing to my senior about how I'm third time lucky. At least this time I'm not with a weirdo or like someone who will get me stuck in a middle of a fight with his girlfriend. Sadly, we literally just reveal and leave. Didn't get much of a chance to talk and stuff. Next up was sponsorship talks, but I just happily skipped it to go talk to banana.

That night was the best cuz....
It was finally not dry!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Much love to Billy for bringing the booze) Drank with the OG till around 0330 before I went to join the Union Jazzers. Was suppose to have round 2 but our dear Qian was freaking drunk when she came from her OG. Sad that we couldn't drink but at least we got to chill and spazz over our SPs haha

Day 4
Last day of camp we played SP games with our SP OG and it was pretty boring (honestly I'd rather just chill and talk instead of playing all those games) Anyways, we played and it was raining, so every couple shared an umbrella lol. After that was just lunch and dry games with our original OGs. Played super fun games and after that BREAK CAMP LO.
Selfie again with the OG

SPOG Simba and Nala

With my SP Clarence

Everyone went home to change and stuff while I stayed in school to clean up and pack. Decided to wear contacts for clubbing so I had to wear Mel's (since burden boy forgot to bring his for me I crey) Luckily Mel's degree and mine were pretty similar so it worked. Spent almost 10 minutes trying to fight my eye lids and it took both of our hands to get the contacts in. I swear I look horrible with contacts. Guess I should stay with specs haha but I still need contacts for RAG #FML

After we were done, we thought we'd be late if we took public transport, so we uber down to f club with Gaby and Rachel. Ended up reaching earlier than most people. So, we just got our chop and waited for the rest of the world to arrive. Mel joined my OG to chill and happy our OG got the sofa, it was comfy haha. Have to say that the program that night was pretty boring, except the best freshie part and the fact that we won best house and best cheer. #KryptosPride
Before going to club

Camwhoring the whole night 

Closest to being step

I'm super unglam but a dedi to the Union Jazzers
 (missing Tiong who is enjoying his life in Bali)

Went off to join Qian's OG for after party. Drank a bit and played burning bridges before going back into the club to have some fun. Clubbing for the first time *Note to all you people who call me rabak, this is legit my first time in a club ok. I am a good girl kays. Had a lot of fun with her OG dancing and Daren really got me super high haha. Uber back after that and chilled in costumes room before we all crashed.

To conclude, I have to say that despite being away from the OG for most of the camp, I super happy and relieved that you guys don't hate on me. Really sorry to the OGLs for being such a burden always running away from the group and much love to my dear OG mates for always being so nice and entertaining me. Had a lot of fun with you guys over the past few days. Really honored to meet every single one of you and hope that we can keep in touch. Meet up soon. 

To Gab, thanks for always looking out of us in one way or another although you were not always with us. You were super fun to diss over the phone haha

Dear Bvlyn, thanks a lot of talking to us and having fun with us.

To Billy, thanks for being fun and bringing the booze. You're really a cheater at everything haha

To Justin, thanks for being sporting and sorry I lost the 'what are the chances' dare haha

PS Feel free to leave me a comment for fun :)

Till next time, 

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