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Throwback Module Review

BME Camp!!

Late post, but better late than never!
BME camp was 2 weeks ago and it was pretty awesome. Nice to have met new friends and it's funny how I met a few familiar faces haha. (Had a good catch up with Wei Ling, my secondary school classmate and funny how my EnginCamp SP is now my OG mate hahaha) 

Honestly, I still enjoyed EnginCamp more, maybe because of the people or maybe just because I had a really bad SP experience, but the camp was still really really fun!!

Time for the picture spam. (Can't really remember the details of the camp now, but I'll try to summarize it..)

Surprisingly, our OG was pretty close since the first day. Played hard but didn't really win a lot but somehow we had a lot of fun. 
Had a good time during tea party as well. Didn't expect people t drink so much tea but surprisingly, people were all dead when the night was still young. But lucky me with my EnginCamp connections managed to grab Ozy to go tea with me at GNC haha. Funny how Matt came along with Sebas but I was like the only alive one cuz they all cannot tank after Day 0. Fun night talking bout baking and like work stuff and school. Interesting haha. 

Day 2 was wet/dirty games. Super fun, but didn't get really wet during the games, though I was pretty much drenched cuz the seniors freaking hosed me hahaha. Well... Wet games ain't wet games unless you are drenched. But it didn't help that I caught a chill after that and I didn't realise it and happily went for round 2 of tea party. 

Then came BEACH DAY!!!!!
Beach Day!
Super fun day cuz the weather was pretty cool, no sun huehue. Surprised to meet Eunice at Vivo and Shuen on the board walk. Had Macs for breakfast before the games started and I have no idea why I literally dived into the sea for the game. I think I was pretty high that morning. Showered after the games, owned the dodge sponge huehue killed so many people cuz me zai. Record breaking moment when I killed a cockroach with my slipper for the first time in my life. All hail the cockroach killer!!!!! It was so funny how everyone was screaming their heads off and I literally got too pissed to be scared. Smack the hell out of the cockroach and booya! #AchievementUnlocked

After Beach Day was SP revelation...
We all look stoned but RECTANGULAR SQUARES~
Felt pretty annoyed by my SP initially cuz it was really very bad. So much so that I had plans to run off to grab some tea already. But lucky the seniors helped us set up a double date with my other OG mate and Hong Yan ;) And the night became better. Though I still feel pretty bad that I crashed their date. Much love to them for helping me make things better. The rest of the night was just me and my SP making fun of the couple and 'fright' night that was not scary (quoted from my senior "nothing can scare you la sam"). After that I just chilled alone until it was time to go back to RH and we showered. After that was... you guessed it! TEA PARTY!!!!Much love to the team for the tea. 

Looking good before we all get wet

Lucky Arul is below 

Day 4 just went by in a blur for me. Running man with SP was pretty fun until the girlfriend appeared and things went downhill. After that was nerf war and wedid our 'best' to win and funny how we didn't really play well and we were lepaking while they were releasing the results but we won first hahaha. 

Then came Finale night. Wouldn't say that it was a perfect night but the company was worth it. Funny performances and yay Qing won Best SP haha. They so cute together (sadly things didn't work out crey my OTP)
Bad lighting, good company

Now comes the sentimental thank you notes...

You guys are the bomb! Thanks for the 4 days no nights, though you guys all died really quickly. And locked me out of my room on the first night. It was really fun getting to know each and everyone of you and really looking forward to starting school with ya'll. Sorry I keep running away and like not be with you guys a lot and always going where the tea flows. It was really nice to be with you guys. Thanks for being my second group of close buddies in Uni. 

To the JODI who got freaked out by me
Thanks for driving out every night to get us tea and supper and doing all the nice things for us. Really appreciate your love for us 

To our 'screwed up' house head Matt
Thanks for being responsible and having tea party round 1.5 with me despite being tired and crashing haha. Still gonna be in the fan club haha

To Xav
Thanks for the lecture onb how I am not rabak. Now, I can defend myself and tell people that I'm not actually rabak haha

To "BOB"
Thanks for the fun and laughter and always making us laugh so much. you da man bro

and last but not least the other people who came to crash and OGLs whom I didn't get to talk thanks for looking after us despite being so tired and burnt out


Beautiful memories. Looking forward to the next 4 years with this bunch!

Till next time, 
Sam :)

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