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Throwback Module Review

BME Camp 2017 - KINGS: Return of Ea

Time for a super duper late post. BME CAMP 2017! 
Yes, camp happened at the start of June and it's the start of August already. Forgive me for my horribly packed schedule this summer that I have zero time for myself, let alone to write blog posts. But rest assure this post had been planned for since the camp ended, just that I really have no time to write. Brace yourselves as this will be a really long post (gotta start it way back from the planning stage all the way till the execution)

So let's throw back all the way to May when we actually started preparing for this camp. (Yes it's really late to start planning for a camp 1 month before but well, our camp turned out fine so yay). If I were to summarise the planning stage, I'd use one word to describe it, CANCEROUS. Have to clarify this, not to say that the people involved were bad, but it was just really rushed and there wasn't any concrete plan to it. And of course, me being the kancheong spider started panicking for no good reason (or maybe there was a really good reason and that would be that camp was supposed to happen in 1 month). Really thankful for all the people who were not in main comm but decided to help us out in programs and also vetting our proposal. Much love for you guys. Planning stage eventually went alright with a few minor changes here and there and we cleared Prof. Lim in one go so yay!

Now time for camp!
First camp as an OGL and I have to say that I did a horrible job. Really can't blame anyone that I took on so many roles during this camp that I ended up neglecting my own OG. At least I learnt a few things, main comm cannot be OGL and especially not if you are running operations during the camp. 

Day 1 was ice breakers, managed to spend some time with the OG and getting to know everyone a little bit better. Then there was dry games, which we happily lost every game T.T Well, remember, what matters is that we all have fun and not to win, right? After that we had night games which worked for maybe the first 30 minutes when everyone was going crazy and the seniors were just running around catching everyone. Summary of day 1, things went by so quickly I only remember trying to get everything in place. Fun fact, Order's walk in was anything but orderly. Like who comes up with the idea that we should do beep beep I'm a sheep and yeah, magikarp flop right in front Prof Raye #achievementunlocked

Day 2 was the all so draining sponsorship talks. While everyone gets to chill and most get to sleep during these talks, I can't, why you may ask. Cause Marketing head lor. Sleep during the talks I sure die so had to stay awake. After that was wet games and I have to say I actually enjoyed that a lot. (Don't think of weird stuff, I just really enjoy wet games cuz I get to dunk people) After that was just chill time and dinner. 

Can't really remember what happened on Day 3 except for the rush to prepare escape room. Have to say that escape room was my proudest program for this entire camp. Like seriously, the whole concept and puzzles were like my baby and I did my best to make sure that the entire escape room went well. Hope that most freshies freshmen (well OSA says that freshie is a degratory term, so we're not allowed to use it...) enjoyed it (though I have feedback that it wasn't challeneging enough... But that person couldn't even solve all the puzzles so ya, being salty here) 

And then for the final day, it was mainly dance practice with the house for house performance. Followed by amazing race around Utown which was extremely tiring for this old photographer and finale was at YIH. 

BME Camp was planned over a super short time period and everything went smoothly to a certain extent. At least at the point in time during the camp, not many people knew about the last minute changes in programs. All the late nights (I mean sleepless nights) changing programs, game matrices and planning alternatives for the next day. Sending out stuff to the seniors at 4am and asking them to report at 9am. All the angst towards my dear PD (sorry Amin >< Shouldn't have put so much pressure on you) and Pubs head (smuffy i apologise for dragging you into most of the stuff that you shouldn't be involve in) And of course, really sorry to my fellow OGLs Jie Ling and Konz for having to tank the OG when I'm suppose to help out and to the OG sorry I can't be a good OGL and help y'all. 

Learnt a lot from this camp and really thankful for this experience as an OGL, Marketing Head, Pubs comm, Progs comm (and do I consider myself as Ops VPD?) It was fun while it lasted! 

Now for my favourite PHOTO SPAM!!!

#throwback to when we didn't have an OG name or cheer


Order's not so orderly house photo cuz house head not with us

We're engineers cuz we built a paper boat

Have to include this pic or else house head say he get left out

Behind the scenes for almost every photo
We can never decide how to do stuff

Thanks main comm for the fun


Yes, it's our grandfather's road (at 3am only)

Selfie skills = Fitting 13 people with an iPhone

Thanks for this opportunity to be part of such an amazing camp. To my freshies, hope you guys enjoyed the camp and if you need help, you can always look for anyone of us. Also, hope that your friendship will last through the years to come. Seniors, thanks for being so cooperative throughout the camp and helping us out in every way possible. Seriously grateful. 


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