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Throwback Module Review

ECE Camp 2017 - Metamorphosis

Raging inside as I write this post (for the second time!!) Was actually done with it but chrome decided to crash on me when chrome decided to crash on me! Cancer sia. 

Well now that I'm back at this post, I hope I can remember what I was trying to express previously. 

Soooooo, was supposed to write this right after the camp ended but obviously, I'm late again. Forgive me, my dear readers (I wonder how many people actually bother to keep following my blog to check for updates... Leave me a comment plox) 

*Problem with goldfish memory is that I can't even remember what I wrote right before this so it's probably going to be a bit different from what I initially wrote ... :(*

Let's start this post off proper!

They said we could be anything so we became flowers
Take note of Smuffy tryna act cute on the top left corner

Dry run!
What is not seen here is the 12 - 6am badminton matches

Dry runs~ Looked like we had a lot of fun during the countless dry runs for the camp. From financial literacy game (which I chionged all the way over after work) to the frisbee dry run (which I once again chionged over after my ST Run and I was dying). Can't deny the fact that we actually had fun, thankful for the chance to meet the seniors who were in the camp. And I can't forget the weird moment when I met Yam's 38th Welfare comm members. Got to know the seniors from ECE and of course people that I already knew beforehand. 

Funny how I ended up in this camp considering that I'm from BME. It was just one fine day when I decided to ask Adrian if they needed help for ECE Camp and boom I'm in (and oops I dragged the 2 of them in by accident or was it intentional hmmmm) No regrets though. It was a really fun experience and I think I was a better OGL this time round considering that I actually had the time to spend with my OG and really get to know each of them better. (IM REALLY SORRY BANJA!) 

Day 0 was meh~
Was suppose to wake up early to help the comm move stuff for finale but I was too lazy (Sleep >>>> Help, sorry is me) Met up with the rest in the evening. Had a  short briefing by Irfan (TL;DR don't die during camp). Tried planning our house performance and ended the night off with a K session. Who knew we had a golden mic and the sound system in the LT was not bad actually. Oh and finally got to watch Get Out with Smuffy (when we were suppose to watch it during BME camp but where got time). Did we actually sleep that night? Can't really remember.

Attempted to be a fake freshie for day 1. Not sure if anyone realised but at least I know I confused one freshie (yes I'm no longer going to give a damn about the whole 'name calling' rule) I'm sorry Kehui I confused you for a short moment. Day 1 went by pretty quickly. Started off with all the talks and ice breakers. Was the ice really broken on day 1? Played frisbee and dodgeball in the FREAKING HOT SUN after that. Shag af. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who was dying under the sun. Thank goodness I didn't get sun burn. Can't really remember much that happened at the fields except our dear Andres who joined our camp on Day 1 walk in with his pink bag (I'm sorry you left such an impression on me I feel bad not sharing it. Not judging). Washed up, played werewolf on telegram, played some card games and sent everyone to sleep first while we waited for supper (which took damn long to come) But yay, reasons why we love club room cuz we have left over food from BME Camp. Feasted on Maggie mee and when supper came, they ate and slept. Funny how the day ended just like that.

Day 2 went by pretty quickly too. Financial literacy game in the morning (Sorry I was afk the entire morning) followed by 'sponsor' talks. (I'm sincerely sorry I can't bring myself to pay attention during the session. Despite knowing how important it is for us to pay attention especially since I was in the marketing role before. So I apologise. Sleep outweighs everything, ok maybe not bonding time but you get it) After the talks we had wet games. Wet games was not supposed to be this wet but someone *cough cough Smuffy cough cough* decided that the weather is too hot and dumped 2 buckets of water on me (great choice bruh). Well, I can't be the only one drenched so got everyone wet too. Not forgetting those who got special treatment from me (huehue Sorry not sorry, don't kill me friends) Was supposed to wash up right after wet games but someone again convinced me that it was a good idea not to shower because we were supposed to have dance practice in the night (which didn't happen. Shall not angst here though I was pretty annoyed that night) Supper and slept after that. 

Day 3 morning was finally our house performance practice and we had amazing race which turned into our own photo shoot. (Check out the photos below haha) Huge shout out to our best photographer Hardik who entertained all our weird requests (like sleeping on the stairs of biz school and random photo shoot at some underground place) Went back to the LT for lunch and another huge shout out to OUR BEST HOUSE HEAD ADRIAN for the House welfare. McFlurry was sooooo goooood. We love Adrian ♥ Combat archery was where our house really stole the show. Managed a few good kills and can never forget the 2 minute game. How was that even possible. While all the game was on going, we made the mistake of falling asleep on the side lines and we had this entourage of humans praying for us as if we were dead (well uni did kill half of me so yay?) It's pretty funny, especially for Zhihao's case because his level of cluelessness was off the roof. Finale night went by pretty crazily. 

Glad I managed to pull the OG down to the mosh pit for a while to lift the mood. And of course thanks everyone for being so supportive and supporting the best freshie performance. (Sorry XR we had to sabo you to go up there but you did great so yay!) Have to say that this was an awesome experience with a bunch of people I never expected to get close to. 

Thanks for this opportunity for me to kind of redeem myself as an OGL and for getting to know everyone. Really enjoyed myself and hope that everyone enjoyed themselves too. I seriously need to reconsider joining camps in the future, my old body cannot take all these sleepless nights anymore so this will probably be my last camp unless my dear freshies come look for me to join next year ><

Finally here's the photo spam for ECE Camp 2017 (The camp that happened)!
Xiao Proud of this perfectly edited photo
Quality sucks on blogger though
Finale Night Photo Booth

And we choose to sleep 
Proof that this OG is too chill
We literally sleep everywhere
Thanks ah Amin
Can't you let us sleep in peace

Always sleeping during camp 

Another man down
The seniors who made this camp so enjoyable

The most appropriate pose for the best house

Amazing race? Amazing walk!
Reason why we took so long to come back
Potted plants FTW
Dropping the next dope album, N1
Wet games day right before we all get drenched
♥♥♥Why so salty in the corner?♥♥♥
And this is just a normal family photo 

Best BME OGLs for ECE Camp
Much love for the people who make me the valley 

Well since I'm writing this after our BEST HOUSE celebration dinner, I shall add in a bit more from what happened during our 'bonding' session. Really glad that our OG turned up in full force despite our busy schedules and of course, thanks friends for stayin out late and being so open with each other. Still remember when I first asked all of you if you guys drank and most of your answers were no or a little. Last night showed me the reason why I shouldn't believe what you guys said during the camp. And like what I said during dinner, you guys are no longer my freshies, you're my friends now so stay safe and alive throughout this 4 years. Hope to see you guys around school. 

P.S. Got lobang please jio thanks



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