This is me

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Throwback Module Review


Addiction is bad , but sometimes , it can be good. Like when you are addicted to studying , it helps you . I am addicted to something that no one would understand even if I tell them . I am somehow addicted , yet I can't think of the reason. I am pathetic , aren't I ? It is so sad to know that no one will understand you when you are in need of help . Even the people closest to you cannot help cause they think that you are normal. Is it normal to be not normal? I don't get it , that is human . They never get it , they think that they know everything yet , they really don't . I am sick and tired of my life . Can't take it anymore . At least life can't get any worst then it is now. Unless , I get betrayed by someone I trust my secrets with and someone reveals my blog to other people who are not invited . It will be so sadening ...