This is me

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Throwback Module Review

Is this LUCK?

Today , on my way home , I met my ex. Ah Gong and Marker and Ming Ming .
Every time i see that Ah Gong , my phone will either stop working or give me problems. On the MRT today , my phone was giving me problems , I thought it was impossible that he would be on the MRT so I tried my best to fix the phone . When I alighted from the MRT , I heard someone calling me but when I turned arounf , I did not see anyone familliar so I carried on . When I reached the bus interchange , my bus was already here and the line was moving . At the line , I saw someone who looked  like Ah Gong but I never thought that it would really be him . Then , on the bus I saw Marker and Gang .
Is this fate that I met my classmates , or is it that it was just a coincidence ? This is not the first time I met Marker and Ah Gong ...