This is me

Diary About Content


Throwback Module Review


What are the right reactions when you meet someone you hate?
Am I suppose to act like I am her friend just to save myself the explanation or am I suppose to tell the person?
Would it hurt the person?

Reactions are things that actually hurt the person most after words. If your words have not hurt the person enough , your reactions will .
Will you understand that life is like that , we have to learn to act infront of our enemies?
Why must we be so cruel to ourselves?

I have to put up with the acting in school and at home I still have to act as if I like school. What have I landed myself in?
I should have just gone to the school of my second choice , a mixed school so I will not be so depressed.
My class is officially vicious , the people in this class are all backstabbers , I can't trust anyone. Not even mel. I am afraid that if I tell her everything , she may just betray me and tell YT. I can't even talk to my friends in school about what is happening at home . So , my only true frens are my ex, They are the only people I can trust. So , I will just stick to telling my secrets to my ex's .
