This is me |
So, I'm back again. I realized I am no longer regretting. Anyways, we only have about 2 more months left in our little kampong in the G block, Next year, all go different classes liao, Gonna be like P6 all over again So gonna try to spend as much time in our little balcony as possible I am sure I am gonna miss making fun of some people. To be frank, I think we can consider ourselves as friends already. It's like we kinda make fun of them behind their backs :P But we not that bad la At least we say hi right? Just trying to destroy their ego I know I am bad. But they also very bad lor We swear we will be back next year to continue our taunting It's fun you know I think I will miss the good old times we spend in the balcony outside our classroom I think we're still that 10% in the class who are friends with hose who the class don't like I still don't get it why they don't like "pepe" He damn nice lor(to bully) even his collages bully him lor Next year no more LSCEP liao Gonna miss him We will make it a point to occasionally go to their office with for no reason and DISTURB them :P So , ya that's all I'll try to enjoy the rest of my Sec2 life Chao, Sam Labels: School Life |