This is me

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Throwback Module Review

My people reading skills [Part 3]

Why do people think that I am the one who is always playing? Is it good to show them the other side of me ? Although I am in a new school , people are still seeing me as the person who is always playing . Okay , I did say that I have zero feeling , no love , no hate , but that doesn't mean that I cannot sense them . People who try to cheat me think that I trust them but ever since I left my primary school , I learnt never to trust anyone . If I think that that person is good I don't say anything , neither do I when I know that they are bad.
People may think that by not having any feelings , I don't know anything around me , including who is making use of me and who is talking about me behind my backs. Some people may say that I am a very suspicious person but that's the only way I can protect myself , by having no feelings . Hope that they will understand what I am trying to say.
