This is me

Diary About Content


Throwback Module Review


Humans seems to be the best among all  living things but there are people who say that they are humans but they don't act like humans. We humans are suppose to be people who have feelings but there are some people who really don't. When I say have feelings does not mean that they feel nothing but is that they care for other's feelings. There are people whom I know , who don't care about others. They do things only to their benefits. When it is in their favour , they will do anything to get it , Doing anything to get what you want is not bad , but , when we think of ourselves , we cannot give up others and cause others harm just because we want something and that person is preventing it. Humans know when to do the right stuff , that is what our brain is for. I am not saying that people who do the wrong stuff does not have a brain , please do not misunderstand but to me he people who care too much about themselves are people whose brains have been closed to this world and in their own world , the Sun and the Earth revolves around them , they think that they are the people whi can control this world and the people around them , they think that they are the best and do not work hard to improve. When they finally fall , the people around them help them up onlyto find that after they have recovered , that they are trying to take over them . The people around them do not see the danger of helping them but when they strike back , it hurts them more than what you can imagine.