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Tired of school

4th July 2010,
 I am tired, very very tired of school. Dying from the tons of projects, homework, assignments, and all those other stuff. Why is there so much to do? We are only students yet, we sometimes stay in school more than we are at home. I leave home at about 5.30am in the morning and after CCA, I  only reach home at 8.00pm. Then, there is homework and project s to keep me busy in school when there is no CCA and after the tiring badminton training, I still have to stay awake to do my homework and projects which are due in a few days time.
 Even if there is no projects to do, I still have to do my revision and assessment books. But at least I don't have tuition. If I do have, I think I would go mad. I don't even spend 10 hours at home on most days. Although school ends at 1.30pm or 2.00pm, I only reach home at 4.00pm because of projects, sometimes even 5.00pm.
  Never mind that, I still have to keep my anger in when I am doing wok because I don't want to break out and be like what I am when I was in 6-1. Coach says that we should not breed anger, yet , I is not that easy to say it out loud. People sometimes are kind of selfish and they just think about themselves. Yet , I have to bear with it. Not wanting to hurt anyone, I try to keep everything to myself in the end , hurting myself.
  Life's like that, it's not fair. Some people get all the good things ad others just have to bear with all the things others do.

Signing off,