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Throwback Module Review

Sometimes, I wonder.....

Sometimes i really wonder. Is it possible that i really broke his heart? I dun reali believe tat tat wld happen but it reali boggles my mind. How come? I reali dunno. I dun get it y guys like 2 beat around the bush. Cant they b more straight forward. You noe wat? He is the hardest to read guy ive ever met. Its like. He is damn hard 2 understand Now tat we're in diff sch alreadi. Y cant he jus stop botherin me? I wan an ans. I wan it fast Everytime we wanna meet them they nvr turn up. Are they scared or something?!!! They shld reali meet us and end all tis. Mayb aft tat we cld all b frens? I reali hope tat day wld come soon cuz all tis is killin me. I dun wan tis 2 go on anymore. Ive got btr thigs 2 do than 2 solve their stupid n lame morse code msgs. P. S. If u are that person or that grp of ppl who r involved. Pls come n meet us. Or at least meet me. I dun mind meetin u guys alone. Please jus end it. Signig off , Sam