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Day 2 Romania

After 14 hours of flying🚀, we finally arrived in Rome.

The coach was so far away from the arrival hall and we had to walk quite a distance. We met our driver, Giovani who was going to follow us all the way to Paris. He's a really nice guy. 

As we drove towards the Colosseum, Karlina told us about some hints to take note in Europe. ( there are plentiful of gypsies and pick pockets here. There are also many Indians and Africans selling things along the streets. And boy are they determined. They seriously try to push everything into your hands ) 

Karlina also told us that if we needed water we could get it from our driver at 1 Euro. ( water in Italian is Aqua. It's quite funny cause aqua in the Singaporean context refers to something's along the lines of transgender. So it's quite funny) 

Finally after a long drive, we arrived at the Colosseum. It was really magnificent. Though it's winter right now, it was really sunny and warm. ( 10 degrees i guess) 
Colosseum from the outside

And on the inside

After that we made our way to Vatican City. Vatican City is a small country of its own. We had to go through another round of custom before entering (the custom officers were quite lenient it seems. We just pass our hand carry bags through the scanner and walked through a metal detector. That's all) 

The main attraction in the Vatican City is the St Peter's Basilica. It is one of the largest and most famous church in the world. When I first stepped in, there is only one word to describe it WOW.  It was really amazing. 

 The church is really really huge and the architecture inside is really amazing. It's really amazes me how those artists and painters in the past are able to decorate the interior of the church with their paintings, especially those high up in the domes. (Seriously they are damn pro lor, the domes are like crazily high and I bet in those days like way way back in the the past they didn't have scaffolding or machinery to carry them up. So kudos to these artists) I guess we spent about an hour there in the church but I still did not manage to see everything (Did I mention that the church is HUGE plus the fact that there are basements. I couldn't even finish the ground floor okay)

Since it's winter, the sun sets like super early there in Europe ( when i say early, I mean 4pm and the sky is dark) We left Vatican city and headed to our next destination, Trevi Fountain.

By the time we arrived at Trevi Fountain it was already dark and there was like a ton of people. ( I didn't even manage to get anywhere close to the fountain with crowd in front of me)
Taken @Trevi Fountain. Look at the crowd 

It's winter and what's the best thing to do in icy cold winter? EAT ICE-CREAM!!!! Karlina then brought us to a shop near the fountain where we bought ice-cream.
Eating Ice-Cream with Mummy
I totally DO NOT recommend this ice cream shop if you're thinking of visiting Italy. The staff is really horrible. There was this young girl whom I think is a tourist as well and she couldn't speak English well. She was trying to order ice cream and was pointing and telling the shop owner "I want this and this" The shop owner's response to her order was totally unreasonable to me. He raised his voice and spoke to her in a very rude manner telling her to tell him the flavour and not just say this and that. He even added on and said that if she couldn't even order properly then she should not eat ice cream. (Like what the heck did the girl do?! This is what I call horrible service. You open a store near a tourist attraction then you'd better be prepared to serve tourists who cannot speak English or whatever language you can speak. There is really no need to raise your voice and be so rude to your customer)

After that we walked over to Spanish steps and my flash decided to go crazy on me because it was just too windy and cold for it so we couldn't really take many pictures.

So that's all for my day 1 in Rome, Italy. 
Off to the next post for more fun in the Ancient town of Siena ...

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